Reassessment of continental growth during the accretionary history of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt A Kröner, V Kovach, E Belousova, E Hegner, R Armstrong, A Dolgopolova, ... Gondwana Research 25 (1), 103-125, 2014 | 930 | 2014 |
Timing, petrogenesis, and setting of Paleozoic synorogenic intrusions from the Altai Mountains, Northwest China: implications for the tectonic evolution of an accretionary orogen T Wang, D Hong, B Jahn, Y Tong, Y Wang, B Han, X Wang The Journal of Geology 114 (6), 735-751, 2006 | 456 | 2006 |
Nd–Sr isotopic mapping of the Chinese Altai and implications for continental growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt T Wang, BM Jahn, VP Kovach, Y Tong, DW Hong, BF Han Lithos 110 (1-4), 359-372, 2009 | 377 | 2009 |
Timing and evolution of Jurassic–Cretaceous granitoid magmatisms in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areas, NE Asia: Implications for transition from contractional crustal … T Wang, L Guo, L Zhang, Q Yang, J Zhang, Y Tong, K Ye Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 97, 365-392, 2015 | 239 | 2015 |
Evolution, source and tectonic significance of Early Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (central segment) S Li, T Wang, SA Wilde, Y Tong Earth-Science Reviews 126, 206-234, 2013 | 207 | 2013 |
阿尔泰造山带花岗岩时空演变, 构造环境及地壳生长意义——以中国阿尔泰为例 王涛, 童英, 李舢, 张建军, 史兴俊, 李锦轶, 韩宝福, 洪大卫 岩石矿物学杂志 29 (6), 595-618, 2010 | 203* | 2010 |
中蒙边境中段花岗岩时空分布特征及构造和找矿意义 童英, 洪大卫, 王涛, 史兴俊, 张建军, 曾涛 地球学报, 395-412, 2010 | 203* | 2010 |
中国阿尔泰北部山区早泥盆世花岗岩的年龄, 成因及构造意义 童英, 王涛, 洪大卫, 代雅建, 韩宝福, 柳晓明 岩石学报 23 (8), 1933-1944, 2007 | 191* | 2007 |
SHRIMP U–Pb Zircon geochronology of the Altai No. 3 Pegmatite, NW China, and its implications for the origin and tectonic setting of the pegmatite T Wang, Y Tong, B Jahn, T Zou, Y Wang, D Hong, B Han Ore geology reviews 32 (1-2), 325-336, 2007 | 182 | 2007 |
Permian alkaline granites in the Erenhot–Hegenshan belt, northern Inner Mongolia, China: Model of generation, time of emplacement and regional tectonic significance Y Tong, B Jahn, T Wang, D Hong, EI Smith, M Sun, J Gao, W Huang Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 97, 320-336, 2015 | 167 | 2015 |
Timing, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Late Paleozoic gabbro–granodiorite–granite intrusions in the Shalazhashan of northern Alxa: Constraints on the southernmost … X Shi, T Wang, L Zhang, A Castro, XC Xiao, Y Tong, J Zhang, L Guo, ... Lithos 208, 158-177, 2014 | 143 | 2014 |
北疆及邻区石炭-二叠纪花岗岩时空分布特征及其构造意义 童英, 王涛, 洪大卫, 韩宝福, 张建军, 史兴俊, 王超 岩石矿物学杂志 29 (6), 619-641, 2010 | 137* | 2010 |
Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Triassic granitoids from Beishan, NW China S Li, T Wang, SA Wilde, Y Tong, D Hong, Q Guo Lithos 134, 123-145, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
华北克拉通中生代伸展构造研究的几个问题及其在岩石圈减薄研究中的意义 王涛, 郑亚东, 张进江, 王新社, 曾令森, 童英 地质通报 26 (9), 1154-1166, 2007 | 122* | 2007 |
Rejuvenation of ancient micro-continents during accretionary orogenesis: Insights from the Yili Block and adjacent regions of the SW Central Asian Orogenic Belt H Huang, T Wang, Y Tong, Q Qin, X Ma, J Yin Earth-Science Reviews 208, 103255, 2020 | 121 | 2020 |
Phanerozoic granitoids in the central and eastern parts of Central Asia and their tectonic significance T Wang, Y Tong, L Zhang, S Li, H Huang, J Zhang, L Guo, Q Yang, ... Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 368-392, 2017 | 121 | 2017 |
Post-accretionary Permian granitoids in the Chinese Altai orogen: geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic implications Y Tong, T Wang, B Jahn, M Sun, D Hong, J Gao American Journal of Science 314 (1), 80-109, 2014 | 119 | 2014 |
阿尔泰中蒙边界塔克什肯口岸后造山富碱侵入岩体的形成时代, 成因及其地壳生长意义 童英, 王涛, 洪大卫, 韩宝福 岩石学报 22 (5), 1267-1278, 2006 | 112* | 2006 |
中国阿尔泰造山带后造山喇嘛昭花岗岩体锆石 SHRIMP 年龄, 成因及陆壳垂向生长意义 王涛, 洪大卫, 童英, 韩宝福, 石玉若 岩石学报 21 (3), 640-650, 2005 | 112* | 2005 |
中亚-蒙古造山带东段的锡林郭勒杂岩: 早华力西期造山作用的产物而非古老陆块?——锆石 SHRIMP U-Pb 年代学证据 薛怀民, 郭利军, 侯增谦, 周喜文, 童英, 潘晓菲 岩石学报, 2001-2010, 2009 | 110* | 2009 |