Tri Djoko Lelono
Tri Djoko Lelono
lecturer of fisheries management, university of brawijaya
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ub.ac.id
The expression of the body shape in fish species Harpadon nehereus (Hamilton, 1822) in the waters of Juata Laut, Tarakan city, North Kalimantan
M Firdaus, TD Lelono, R Saleh, G Bintoro, G Salim
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 11 (3), 613-624, 2018
Population dynamics and feeding habits of Euthynnus affinis, Auxis thazard, and Auxis rochei in South Coast of East Java waters
TD Lelono, G Bintoro
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 370 (1), 012054, 2019
Biology and population dynamics analysis of fringescale sardine (Sardinella fimbriata) in Bali Strait waters, Indonesia
G Bintoro, D Setyohadi, TD Lelono, F Maharani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 391 (1), 012024, 2019
Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a distribution from Himawari satellite and its relation to yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean
AB Sambah, A Muamanah, LI Harlyan, TD Lelono, F Iranawati, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 14 (2), 897-909, 2021
Biological aspect of mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus Cuvier, 1833) in Prigi waters Trenggalek Regency East Java Indonesia
G Bintoro, TD Lelono, DP Ningtyas
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 584 (1), 012011, 2020
Efficiency comparison of LED and MH lamps in purse seine fisheries
MA Sofijanto, D Arfiati, TD Lelono, A Muntaha
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 19 (2), 131-139, 2018
Dinamika populasi dan biologi ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) yang tertangkap dengan purse seine di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Prigi Trenggalek
TD Lelono
Prosiding: Seminar nasional tahunan IV hasil penelitian perikanan dan …, 2007
Biological aspect and dynamic population of fringescale sardine (Sardinella fimbriata: Valenciennes, 1847) in Prigi waters Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia
G Bintoro, TD Lelono, L Deafatmi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 493 (1), 012017, 2020
Biological aspect of Indian scad (Decapterus russelli) caught by purse seine in north coast of Sumenep waters, East Java
G Bintoro, TD Lelono, H Syehbiarachman
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 239 (1), 012016, 2019
Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan Dengan Kasus Perikanan Tangkap di Jawa Timur
DGR Wiadnya, L Sutini, TD Lelono
Fakultas Perikanan Universitas Brawijaya. Malang, 1993
Dinamika Populasi Ikan Tuna Albakor (Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre, 1788) yang Didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Prigi Kabupaten Trenggalek, Jawa Barat
TD Lelono, B Gatut, R Didik
Jurnal Kelautan dan Perikanan Terapan 1 (2), 95-104, 2018
Perspectives on sustainable management of the Poso Lake (Indonesia) endemic ricefish, Oryzias nigrimas (Actinopterygii: Adrianichthyidae)
N Serdiati, D Arfiati, MS Widodo, TD Lelono, S Ndobe, K Mansyur, ...
Revista de Biología Tropical 69 (1), 139-152, 2021
Composition analysis of organic and inorganic waste and the impacts of coastal city in Palu-Central Sulawesi
JY Walalangi, TD Lelono, AM Suryanto, A Damar, H Effendi, E Susilo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 441 (1), 012125, 2020
Food habits of the endemic ricefishes (Oryzias nigrimas, Kottelat 1990) in Poso Lake, Central Sulawesi of Indonesia
S Novalina, A Diana, WM Sri, LT Djoko, GBA Jaya
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences 87 (3), 125-130, 2019
Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan Hiu dan Pari di Tiga Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan di Indonesia
M Rifki, TD Lelono, G Bintoro, D Setyohadi, ES Yulianto
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan 9 (1), 38-46, 2022
Growth patterns of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, linnaeus 1758) caught by troll line in Prigi waters, Trenggalek East Java Indonesia
G Bintoro, TD Lelono, D Setyohadi, U Fadzilla
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 890 (1), 012047, 2021
The length–weight relationships and clasper maturity of two shark (Carcharhinus sorrah, Carcharhinus falciformis) of landed in Prigi Coastal fishing Port Trenggalek East Jawa
TD Lelono, G Bintoro, D Setyohadi, M Risky
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (1), 012111, 2021
Biological aspects of Indian scad (Decapterus russelli Ruppell, 1830) in south site of Madura Strait Waters, East Java
G Bintoro, TD Lelono, ND Utami
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 370 (1), 012040, 2019
Biological aspect analysis of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta Cuvier, 1816) caught by purse seine in Probolinggo waters, Madura Strait, East Java
G Bintoro, A Jauhari, TD Lelono, HF Wardani
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 546 (2), 022003, 2019
Genetic characteristics of ricefish from Lake Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
N Serdiati, D Arfiati, MS Widodo, TD Lelono, AHA Toha
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 12 (2), 535-552, 2019
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