Aleš Žnidarič
Aleš Žnidarič
Druga imenaAles ZNIDARIC
Director of Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na zag.si - Domača stran
Effect of vehicle velocity on the dynamic amplification of a vehicle crossing a simply supported bridge
SP Brady, EJ O'Brien, A Žnidarič
Journal of Bridge Engineering 11 (2), 241-249, 2006
A review of road structure data in six European countries
A Žnidarič, V Pakrashi, E O'Brien, A O'Connor
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban design and planning …, 2011
Experimental testing of a moving force identification bridge weigh-in-motion algorithm
CW Rowley, EJ OBrien, A González, A Žnidarič
Experimental mechanics 49, 743-746, 2009
Bridge weigh-in-motion—Latest developments and applications world wide
EJ OBrien, A Žnidarič, T Ojio
Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, 19-22, 2008
Comparison of two independently developed bridge weigh–in–motion systems
EJ O'Brien, A Žnidarič, AT Dempsey
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 6 (1-4), 147-161, 1999
Characteristic dynamic traffic load effects in bridges
EJ OBrien, P Rattigan, A González, J Dowling, A Žnidarič
Engineering structures 31 (7), 1607-1612, 2009
Practical implementation of nothing-on-the-road bridge weigh-in-motion system
J Kalin, A Žnidarič, I Lavrič
International symposium on heavy vehicle weights and dimensions, 2006
Bridge weigh-in-motion systems-an overview
A Žnidarič, W Baumgartner
Second European Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Road Vehicles, Lisbon …, 1998
Critical speed for the dynamics of truck events on bridges with a smooth road surface
A González, EJ OBrien, D Cantero, Y Li, J Dowling, A Žnidarič
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (11), 2127-2146, 2010
Comparison of conventional and regularized bridge weigh-in-motion algorithms
C Rowley, A Gonzalez, E O’Brien, A Žnidarič
Proceedings of the international conference on heavy vehicles, 19-22, 2008
Weighing-In-Motion of Axles and Vehicles for Europe (WAVE) WP1. 2: Bridge WIM Systems
EJ O'Brien, A Žnidarič, W Baumgärtner, A González, P McNulty
University College Dublin, 2001
Improved accuracy and robustness of bridge weigh-in-motion systems
A Žnidarič, J Kalin, M Kreslin
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 14 (4), 412-424, 2018
Nonlinear flexural behavior of prestressed concrete girder bridges
L Deng, M Ghosn, A Žnidarič, JR Casas
Journal of Bridge Engineering 6 (4), 276-284, 2001
Using bridge weigh-in-motion systems to monitor single-span bridge influence lines
A Žnidarič, J Kalin
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 10 (5), 743-756, 2020
Measurements of bridge dynamics with a bridge weigh‐in‐motion system
A Žnidarič, I Lavrič, J Kalin
International Conference on Heavy Vehicles HVParis 2008: Weigh‐In‐Motion …, 2009
Using statistical analysis of an acceleration-based bridge weigh-in-motion system for damage detection
E OBrien, MA Khan, DP McCrum, A Žnidarič
Applied Sciences 10 (2), 663, 2020
The next generation of bridge weigh-in-motion systems
A Žnidarič, I Lavrič, J Kalin
Third International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion (ICWIM3) Iowa State …, 2002
Bridge performance indicators based on traffic load monitoring
A Mandić Ivanković, D Skokandić, A Žnidarič, M Kreslin
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 15 (7), 899-911, 2019
Testing of a bridge weigh-in-motion algorithm utilising multiple longitudinal sensor locations
A González, J Dowling, EJ O'Brien, A Žnidarič
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 40 (6), 2012
Railway bridge Weigh-in-Motion system
A Žnidarič, J Kalin, M Kreslin, P Favai, P Kolakowski
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 4010-4019, 2016
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