Social determinants of health and survival in humans and other animals N Snyder-Mackler, JR Burger, L Gaydosh, DW Belsky, GA Noppert, ... Science 368 (6493), eaax9553, 2020 | 590 | 2020 |
Social status alters immune regulation and response to infection in macaques N Snyder-Mackler, J Sanz, JN Kohn, JF Brinkworth, S Morrow, AO Shaver, ... Science 354 (6315), 1041-1045, 2016 | 320 | 2016 |
Seasonal shifts in the gut microbiome indicate plastic responses to diet in wild geladas A Baniel, KR Amato, JC Beehner, TJ Bergman, A Mercer, RF Perlman, ... Microbiome 9, 1-20, 2021 | 185 | 2021 |
Defining Higher Levels in the Multilevel Societies of Geladas (Theropithecus gelada) N Snyder-Mackler, JC Beehner, TJ Bergman International Journal of Primatology 33, 1054-1068, 2012 | 155 | 2012 |
Ancestry-inclusive dog genomics challenges popular breed stereotypes K Morrill, J Hekman, X Li, J McClure, B Logan, L Goodman, M Gao, ... Science 376 (6592), eabk0639, 2022 | 154 | 2022 |
Deconstructing sociality: the types of social connections that predict longevity in a group-living primate S Ellis, N Snyder-Mackler, A Ruiz-Lambides, ML Platt, LJN Brent Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1917), 20191991, 2019 | 148 | 2019 |
Highly heritable and functionally relevant breed differences in dog behaviour EL MacLean, N Snyder-Mackler, BM VonHoldt, JA Serpell Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1912), 20190716, 2019 | 142 | 2019 |
Concessions of an alpha male? Cooperative defence and shared reproduction in multi-male primate groups N Snyder-Mackler, SC Alberts, TJ Bergman Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1743), 3788-3795, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Efficient genome-wide sequencing and low-coverage pedigree analysis from noninvasively collected samples N Snyder-Mackler, WH Majoros, ML Yuan, AO Shaver, JB Gordon, ... Genetics 203 (2), 699-714, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Rhesus macaques as a tractable physiological model of human ageing KL Chiou, MJ Montague, EA Goldman, MM Watowich, SN Sams, J Song, ... Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1811), 20190612, 2020 | 95 | 2020 |
Insights into the evolution of social systems and species from baboon studies J Fischer, JP Higham, SC Alberts, L Barrett, JC Beehner, TJ Bergman, ... elife 8, e50989, 2019 | 91 | 2019 |
Genomewide ancestry and divergence patterns from low‐coverage sequencing data reveal a complex history of admixture in wild baboons JD Wall, SA Schlebusch, SC Alberts, LA Cox, N Snyder‐Mackler, ... Molecular ecology 25 (14), 3469-3483, 2016 | 91 | 2016 |
Rhesus macaques build new social connections after a natural disaster C Testard, SM Larson, MM Watowich, CH Kaplinsky, A Bernau, M Faulder, ... Current biology 31 (11), 2299-2309. e7, 2021 | 88 | 2021 |
Social status alters chromatin accessibility and the gene regulatory response to glucocorticoid stimulation in rhesus macaques N Snyder-Mackler, J Sanz, JN Kohn, T Voyles, R Pique-Regi, ME Wilson, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (4), 1219-1228, 2019 | 87 | 2019 |
Human microglia show unique transcriptional changes in Alzheimer’s disease KE Prater, KJ Green, S Mamde, W Sun, A Cochoit, CL Smith, KL Chiou, ... Nature Aging 3 (7), 894-907, 2023 | 76 | 2023 |
Evidence for tactical concealment in a wild primate A Le Roux, N Snyder-Mackler, EK Roberts, JC Beehner, TJ Bergman Nature communications 4 (1), 1462, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Age influences domestic dog cognitive performance independent of average breed lifespan MM Watowich, EL MacLean, B Hare, J Call, J Kaminski, Á Miklósi, ... Animal cognition 23, 795-805, 2020 | 72 | 2020 |
Kinship and Dominance Rank Influence the Strength of Social Bonds in Female Geladas (Theropithecus gelada) E Tinsley Johnson, N Snyder-Mackler, JC Beehner, TJ Bergman International Journal of Primatology 35, 288-304, 2014 | 66 | 2014 |
Social status drives social relationships in groups of unrelated female rhesus macaques N Snyder-Mackler, JN Kohn, LB Barreiro, ZP Johnson, ME Wilson, J Tung Animal behaviour 111, 307-317, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
The ontogeny of social skills: experimental increases in social complexity enhance reproductive success in adult cowbirds DJ White, AS Gersick, G Freed-Brown, N Snyder-Mackler Animal Behaviour 79 (2), 385-390, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |