Dr. Vivek Kshirsagar
Dr. Vivek Kshirsagar
Former Head CSE Dept. Government College Of Engg. Aurangabad
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na geca.ac.in
Face recognition using Eigenfaces
VP Kshirsagar, MR Baviskar, ME Gaikwad
2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development 2 …, 2011
Intrusion detection system using genetic algorithm and data mining: An overview
VK Kshirsagar, SM Tidke, S Vishnu
International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics ISSN (PRINT) 2231 …, 2012
Classification of anemia using data mining techniques
SA Sanap, M Nagori, V Kshirsagar
International conference on swarm, evolutionary, and memetic computing, 113-121, 2011
Robust watermarking scheme based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) for copyright protection of digital images
VK Ahire, V Kshirsagar
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 11 (8 …, 2011
Data mining model for money laundering detection in financial domain
M Kharote, VP Kshirsagar
International Journal of Computer Applications 85 (16), 2014
Insights into the advancements of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the present state of art, and future prospects: Seven decades of digital revolution
P Bindra, M Kshirsagar, C Ryan, G Vaidya, KK Gupt, V Kshirsagar
Smart Computing Techniques and Applications: Proceedings of the Fourth …, 2021
Mutichain enabled EHR management system and predictive analytics
M Nagori, A Patil, S Deshmukh, G Vaidya, M Rahangdale, C Kulkarni, ...
Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2019 …, 2020
Performance comparison of elliptical curve and rsa digital signature on arm7
AS Bhala, VP Kshirsagar, MB Nagori, MK Deshmukh
Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Network …, 2011
Rule Based Classifier Models For Intrusion Detection System
MSJ Vivek kshirsagar
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 7 (1 …, 2016
Constructing knowledge graph by extracting correlations from wikipedia corpus for optimizing web information retrieval
A Mirza, M Nagori, V Kshirsagar
2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking …, 2018
Brain tumor segmentation and stage detection in brain MR images with 3D assessment
P Majumder, VP Kshirsagar
International Journal of Computer Applications 84 (15), 2013
Application of variant of adaboost based machine learning algorithm in network intrusion detection
VP Kshirsagar, DR Patil
International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS) 4 (2), 1-6, 2010
GREE-COCO: Green Artificial Intelligence Powered Cost Pricing Models for Congestion Control.
M Kshirsagar, T More, R Lahoti, S Adgaonkar, S Jain, C Ryan, ...
ICAART (2), 916-923, 2021
Integrating Sentiment Analysis and User Descriptors with Ratings in Sightseer Recommender System
VA Chaudhari, V Kshirsagar, M Nagori
2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking …, 2018
Brain Tumor Segmentation and Stage Detection in Brain MR Images using K AMS EM Algorithm
P Majumder, VP Kshirsagar
International Journal of Computer Applications 95 (24), 2014
An overview of adaboost-based NISD and performance evaluation on NSL-KDD dataset
VP Kshirsagar, DR Patil
International Journal of Computer Engineering and Computer Application 1, 2010
Efficient time compression earthquake database using hadoop Hive ORC format
PR Patil, V Kshirsagar
2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems …, 2017
Hiding sensitive association rule for privacy preservation
N Dhutraj, S Sasane, V Kshirsagar
Advanced Information Management and Service (IMS), 6th International …, 2013
An in-depth survey of techniques employed in construction of emotional lexicon
PV Kulkarni, MB Nagori, VP Kshirsagar
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems …, 2019
Managing asthma in children and analyzing best possible treatment with data mining approach of classification
M Nagori, P Suvarna, V Kshirsagar
World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, 2009
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