David J. Biddinger
David J. Biddinger
Research Associate Professor Entomology, Penn State University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na psu.edu
Biology, ecology, and management of brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
KB Rice, CJ Bergh, EJ Bergmann, DJ Biddinger, C Dieckhoff, G Dively, ...
Journal of Integrated Pest Management 5 (3), A1-A13, 2014
Crop production in the USA is frequently limited by a lack of pollinators
JR Reilly, DR Artz, D Biddinger, K Bobiwash, NK Boyle, C Brittain, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1931), 20200922, 2020
Pollen protein: lipid macronutrient ratios may guide broad patterns of bee species floral preferences
AD Vaudo, JF Tooker, HM Patch, DJ Biddinger, M Coccia, MK Crone, ...
Insects 11 (2), 132, 2020
Comparative toxicities and synergism of apple orchard pesticides to Apis mellifera (L.) and Osmia cornifrons (Radoszkowski)
DJ Biddinger, JL Robertson, C Mullin, J Frazier, SA Ashcraft, EG Rajotte, ...
PloS one 8 (9), e72587, 2013
Coccinellidae as predators of mites: Stethorini in biological control
DJ Biddinger, DC Weber, LA Hull
Biological Control 51 (2), 268-283, 2009
Indigenous arthropod natural enemies of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in North America and Europe
PK Abram, KA Hoelmer, A Acebes-Doria, H Andrews, EH Beers, JC Bergh, ...
Journal of Pest Science 90, 1009-1020, 2017
Are neonicotinoids killing bees
J Hopwood, M Vaughan, M Shepherd, D Biddinger, E Mader, SH Black, ...
A review of research into the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on bees …, 2012
Integrated pest and pollinator management—adding a new dimension to an accepted paradigm
DJ Biddinger, EG Rajotte
Current opinion in insect science 10, 204-209, 2015
Comparative trapping efficiency to characterize bee abundance, diversity, and community composition in apple orchards
NK Joshi, T Leslie, EG Rajotte, MA Kammerer, M Otieno, DJ Biddinger
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 108 (5), 785-799, 2015
Effects of Several Types of Insecticides on the Mite Predator, Stethorus punctum (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Including Insect Growth Regulators and Abamectin
DJ Biddinger, LA Hull
Journal of Economic Entomology 88 (2), 358-366, 1995
Does passive sampling accurately reflect the bee (Apoidea: Anthophila) communities pollinating apple and sour cherry orchards?
J Gibbs, NK Joshi, JK Wilson, NL Rothwell, K Powers, M Haas, L Gut, ...
Environmental Entomology 46 (3), 579-588, 2017
Sublethal effects of selected insecticides on growth and reproduction of a laboratory susceptible strain of tufted apple bud moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
DJ Biddinger, LA Hull
Journal of Economic Entomology 92 (2), 314-324, 1999
Proximity to woodland and landscape structure drives pollinator visitation in apple orchard ecosystem
NK Joshi, M Otieno, EG Rajotte, SJ Fleischer, DJ Biddinger
Frontiers in ecology and evolution 4, 38, 2016
Toxic and behavioral effects to Carabidae of seed treatments used on Cry3Bb1-and Cry1Ab/c-protected corn
CA Mullin, MC Saunders, TW Leslie, DJ Biddinger, SJ Fleischer
Environmental Entomology 34 (6), 1626-1636, 2005
Fecundity and fertility reductions in adult leafrollers exposed to surfaces treated with the ecdysteroid agonists tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide
X Sun, BA Barrett, DJ Biddinger
Entomologia experimentalis et Applicata 94 (1), 75-83, 2000
Pollinator exposure to systemic insecticides and fungicides applied in the previous fall and pre-bloom period in apple orchards
S Heller, NK Joshi, J Chen, EG Rajotte, C Mullin, DJ Biddinger
Environmental Pollution 265, 114589, 2020
Apple grower pollination practices and perceptions of alternative pollinators in New York and Pennsylvania
MG Park, NK Joshi, EG Rajotte, DJ Biddinger, JE Losey, BN Danforth
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 35 (1), 1-14, 2020
Effect of a plant growth regulator prohexadione-calcium on insect pests of apple and pear
GS Paulson, LA Hull, DJ Biddinger
Journal of economic entomology 98 (2), 423-431, 2005
Local plant diversity across multiple habitats supports a diverse wild bee community in Pennsylvania apple orchards
MA Kammerer, DJ Biddinger, EG Rajotte, DA Mortensen
Environmental Entomology 45 (1), 32-38, 2016
Reduced-risk pest management programs for eastern US apple and peach orchards: a 4-year regional project
AM Agnello, A Atanassov, JC Bergh, DJ Biddinger, LJ Gut, MJ Haas, ...
American Entomologist 55 (3), 184-197, 2009
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