Mohammad Ehteram
Mohammad Ehteram
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na semnan.ac.ir
Machine learning methods for better water quality prediction
AN Ahmed, FB Othman, HA Afan, RK Ibrahim, CM Fai, MS Hossain, ...
Journal of Hydrology 578, 124084, 2019
Modeling and uncertainty analysis of groundwater level using six evolutionary optimization algorithms hybridized with ANFIS, SVM, and ANN
A Seifi, M Ehteram, VP Singh, A Mosavi
Sustainability 12 (10), 4023, 2020
Water quality prediction model based support vector machine model for ungauged river catchment under dual scenarios
AS Abobakr Yahya, AN Ahmed, F Binti Othman, RK Ibrahim, HA Afan, ...
Water 11 (6), 1231, 2019
Estimation of total dissolved solids (TDS) using new hybrid machine learning models
FB Banadkooki, M Ehteram, F Panahi, SS Sammen, FB Othman, ...
Journal of Hydrology 587, 124989, 2020
Reservoir operation based on evolutionary algorithms and multi-criteria decision-making under climate change and uncertainty
M Ehteram, SF Mousavi, H Karami, S Farzin, VP Singh, K Chau, ...
Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (2), 332-355, 2018
Optimizing dam and reservoirs operation based model utilizing shark algorithm approach
M Ehteram, H Karami, SF Mousavi, A El-Shafie, Z Amini
Knowledge-Based Systems 122, 26-38, 2017
Suspended sediment load prediction using artificial neural network and ant lion optimization algorithm
FB Banadkooki, M Ehteram, AN Ahmed, FY Teo, M Ebrahimi, CM Fai, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 38094-38116, 2020
A hybrid bat–swarm algorithm for optimizing dam and reservoir operation
ZM Yaseen, MF Allawi, H Karami, M Ehteram, S Farzin, AN Ahmed, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 31, 8807-8821, 2019
Enhancement of groundwater-level prediction using an integrated machine learning model optimized by whale algorithm
FB Banadkooki, M Ehteram, AN Ahmed, FY Teo, CM Fai, HA Afan, ...
Natural resources research 29, 3233-3252, 2020
The integration of nature-inspired algorithms with least square support vector regression models: application to modeling river dissolved oxygen concentration
ZM Yaseen, M Ehteram, A Sharafati, S Shahid, N Al-Ansari, A El-Shafie
Water 10 (9), 1124, 2018
Combining autoregressive integrated moving average with Long Short-Term Memory neural network and optimisation algorithms for predicting ground water level
ZS Khozani, FB Banadkooki, M Ehteram, AN Ahmed, A El-Shafie
Journal of Cleaner Production 348, 131224, 2022
Zoning map for drought prediction using integrated machine learning models with a nomadic people optimization algorithm
S Mohamadi, SS Sammen, F Panahi, M Ehteram, O Kisi, A Mosavi, ...
Natural Hazards 104, 537-579, 2020
Efficiency evaluation of reverse osmosis desalination plant using hybridized multilayer perceptron with particle swarm optimization
M Ehteram, SQ Salih, ZM Yaseen
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (13), 15278-15291, 2020
Hybridization of artificial intelligence models with nature inspired optimization algorithms for lake water level prediction and uncertainty analysis
M Ehteram, A Ferdowsi, M Faramarzpour, AMS Al-Janabi, N Al-Ansari, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (2), 2193-2208, 2021
An improved model based on the support vector machine and cuckoo algorithm for simulating reference evapotranspiration
M Ehteram, VP Singh, A Ferdowsi, SF Mousavi, S Farzin, H Karami, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0217499, 2019
Improving the Muskingum flood routing method using a hybrid of particle swarm optimization and bat algorithm
M Ehteram, F Binti Othman, Z Mundher Yaseen, H Abdulmohsin Afan, ...
Water 10 (6), 807, 2018
Design of a hybrid ANN multi-objective whale algorithm for suspended sediment load prediction
M Ehteram, AN Ahmed, SD Latif, YF Huang, M Alizamir, O Kisi, C Mert, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 1596-1611, 2021
Predicting crop yields using a new robust Bayesian averaging model based on multiple hybrid ANFIS and MLP models
O Bazrafshan, M Ehteram, SD Latif, YF Huang, FY Teo, AN Ahmed, ...
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (5), 101724, 2022
Integrated support vector regression and an improved particle swarm optimization-based model for solar radiation prediction
H Ghazvinian, SF Mousavi, H Karami, S Farzin, M Ehteram, MS Hossain, ...
PLoS One 14 (5), e0217634, 2019
Flood routing in river reaches using a three-parameter Muskingum model coupled with an improved bat algorithm
S Farzin, VP Singh, H Karami, N Farahani, M Ehteram, O Kisi, MF Allawi, ...
Water 10 (9), 1130, 2018
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