Anantkumar Patel
Anantkumar Patel
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na paruluniversity.ac.in
A comprehensive review on smart and sustainable agriculture using IoT technologies
V Kumar, KV Sharma, N Kedam, A Patel, TR Kate, U Rathnayake
Smart Agricultural Technology, 100487, 2024
Use of sustainable green materials in construction of green buildings for sustainable development
P Patel, A Patel
IOP Conference Series: earth and environmental science 785 (1), 012009, 2021
Assessment of forest fire severity and land surface temperature using Google Earth Engine: A case study of Gujarat State, India
KH Jodhani, H Patel, U Soni, R Patel, B Valodara, N Gupta, A Patel, ...
Fire Ecology 20 (1), 23, 2024
Novel approach for the LULC change detection using GIS & Google Earth Engine through spatiotemporal analysis to evaluate the urbanization growth of Ahmedabad city
A Patel, D Vyas, N ChaudharI, R Patel, K Patel, D Mehta
Results in Engineering 21 (1), 1-10, 2024
Sustainable solution for lake water purification in rural and urban areas
A Patel, A Shah
Materials Today: Proceedings 32, 740-745, 2020
Evaluating the impact of climate change on drought risk in semi-arid region using GIS technique
R Patel, A Patel
Results in Engineering 21, 101957, 2024
Impact assessment of urbanization and industrialization using Water Quality Index on Sabaramati River, Ahmedabad
P Patel, S Bablani, A Patel
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Innovative Advancement in …, 2020
Application of fuzzy logic in river water quality modelling for analysis of industrialization and climate change impact on Sabarmati river
A Patel, K Chitnis
Water Supply 22 (1), 238-250, 2022
Low cost model for desalination of water using solar energy to overcome water scarcity in India
P Patel, A Patel
Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 1409-1415, 2021
Rainfall-runoff modelling and simulation using remote sensing and hydrological model for Banas River, Gujarat, India
A Patel
Advances in Water Resources Engineering and Management: Select Proceedings …, 2019
Stream flow prediction using TIGGE ensemble precipitation forecast data for Sabarmati river basin
A Patel, SM Yadav
Water Supply 22 (11), 8317-8336, 2022
River Cross Section Delineation From The Google Earth For Development Of 1D HECRAS Model–A Case Of Sabarmati River, Gujarat, India
U Pandya, A Patel, D Patel
International conference on hydraulics, water resources and coastal …, 2017
Flood modelling using HEC-RAS and geo-informatics technology in lower reaches of Shetrunji River, Gujarat, India
AD Patel, DP Patel, I Prakash
Proceedings of national conference on water resources & flood management …, 2016
Impact assessment of urban flood in Surat city using HEC-HMS and GIS
J Sagathia, N Kotecha, H Patel, A Patel
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Innovative Advancement in …, 2020
Flood resilient plan for urban area: A case study
A Patel, N Keriwala, D Mehta, M Shaikh, S Eslamian
Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience: Climate Change and Disaster Risk …, 2023
Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques for Sabarmati River Basin, Gujarat, India.
A Patel, N Keriwala, N Soni, U Goel, R Bhoj, Y Adhyaru, SM Yadav
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 16 (1), 2023
Slu-brick–An innovative sustainable solution for solid waste management
A Patel, C Divya, A Patel, Y Katrodiya, A Jain, S Thakkar
Materials Today: Proceedings 43, 1398-1403, 2021
Innovative roadmap for Smart water cities: a global perspective
N Keriwala, A Patel
Materials Proceedings 10 (1), 1, 2022
Design of optimum number of rain gauge network over Sabarmati River Basin
AD Patel
i-Manager's Journal on Future Engineering and Technology 14 (1), 26, 2018
A novel plan for gujarat to mitigate the effect of flood, drought and salinity using interlinking of canal and rivers
A Patel, U Panchal, N Keriwala
F-EIR Conference on Environment Concerns and its Remediation, 155-167, 2021
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