Savita K.S.
A study of feature selection algorithms for predicting students academic performance
M Zaffar, MA Hashmani, KS Savita, SSH Rizvi
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 9 (5), 2018
The Business Intelligence impact on the financial performance of start-ups
Z Huang, KS Savita, J Zhong-jie
Information Processing & Management 59 (1), 102761, 2022
Performance analysis of feature selection algorithm for educational data mining
M Zaffar, MA Hashmani, KS Savita
2017 IEEE Conference on Big Data and Analytics (ICBDA), 7-12, 2017
Sustainable cryptocurrency adoption assessment among IT enthusiasts and cryptocurrency social communities
YC Yeong, KS Kalid, KS Savita, MN Ahmad, M Zaffar
Sustainable energy technologies and assessments 52, 102085, 2022
Implementation of knowledge management in small and medium enterprises
M Rehman, AKB Mahmood
Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 2010
The development of sustainable IoT E-waste management guideline for households
MM Razip, KS Savita, KS Kalid, MN Ahmad, M Zaffar, EEA Rahim, ...
Chemosphere 303, 134767, 2022
The drivers, practices and outcomes of green supply chain management: Insights from ISO14001 manufacturing firms in Malaysia
KS Savita, PDD Dominic, T Ramayah
Green Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 752-780, 2019
The impact of business intelligence on the marketing with emphasis on cooperative learning: Case-study on the insurance companies
Z Huang, KS Savita, L Dan-yi, AH Omar
Information Processing & Management 59 (2), 102824, 2022
An efficient trust-based decision-making approach for WSNs: Machine learning oriented approach
T Khan, K Singh, M Shariq, K Ahmad, KS Savita, A Ahmadian, ...
Computer Communications 209, 217-229, 2023
Malay sign language courseware for hearing-impaired children in Malaysia
KS Savita, AN Athirah
World Applied Sciences Journal 12 (12), 59-64, 2011
Role of FCBF feature selection in educational data mining
M Zaffar, MA Hashmani, KS Savita, SSH Rizvi, M Rehman
Mehran University Research Journal Of Engineering & Technology 39 (4), 772-778, 2020
Eco-design strategy among ISO 14001 certified manufacturing firms in Malaysia: green drivers and its relationship to performance outcomes
KS Savita, PDD Dominic, T Ramayah
2012 International Conference on Computer & Information Science (ICCIS) 1 …, 2012
Learning block programming using scratch among school children in Malaysia and Australia: An exploratory study
N Zamin, H Ab Rahim, KS Savita, E Bhattacharyya, M Zaffar, SNKM Jamil
2018 4th international conference on computer and information sciences …, 2018
The adoption of green information technologies and systems as a driver within green SCM
KS Savita, PDD Dominic, T Ramayah
2014 International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS …, 2014
An exploratory study of storytelling approach as an instructional tool from educators' perspective
SK Sugathan, KS Kalid
2009 International Conference on Computer Technology and Development 2, 480-483, 2009
Comparing the performance of FCBF, Chi-Square and relief-F filter feature selection algorithms in educational data mining
M Zaffar, MA Hashmani, KS Savita
Recent Trends in Data Science and Soft Computing: Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2019
The development of a narrative management system: Storytelling in knowledge management
KS Savita, H Hazwani, KS Kalid
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51, 587-591, 2011
A study of prediction models for students enrolled in programming subjects
M Zaffar, MA Hashmani, KS Savita
2018 4th International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences …, 2018
Depression detection in tweets from urban cities of malaysia using deep learning
EKP Sri, KS Savita, M Zaffar
2021 7th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information …, 2021
A review on feature selection methods for improving the performance of classification in educational data mining
M Zaffar, MA Hashmani, KS Savita, SA Khan
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 20 (1-2), 110-131, 2021
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