Yuanqing Xia (夏元清)
Yuanqing Xia (夏元清)
School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na bit.edu.cn - Domača stran
Attitude stabilization of rigid spacecraft with finite‐time convergence
Z Zhu, Y Xia, M Fu
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 21 (6), 686-702, 2011
On designing of sliding-mode control for stochastic jump systems
P Shi, Y Xia, GP Liu, D Rees
IEEE Transactions on automatic control 51 (1), 97-103, 2006
Networked predictive control of systems with random network delays in both forward and feedback channels
GP Liu, Y Xia, J Chen, D Rees, W Hu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (3), 1282-1297, 2007
Adaptive attitude tracking control for rigid spacecraft with finite-time convergence
K Lu, Y Xia
Automatica 49 (12), 3591-3599, 2013
A new sampling method in particle filter based on Pearson correlation coefficient
H Zhou, Z Deng, Y Xia, M Fu
Neurocomputing 216, 208-215, 2016
Attitude tracking of rigid spacecraft with bounded disturbances
Y Xia, Z Zhu, M Fu, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (2), 647-659, 2010
Adaptive sliding mode control for attitude stabilization with actuator saturation
Z Zhu, Y Xia, M Fu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (10), 4898-4907, 2011
Robust sliding mode control for uncertain time-delay systems: an LMI approach
Y Xia, Y Jia
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 48 (6), 1086-1092, 2003
Disturbance observer-based integral sliding-mode control for systems with mismatched disturbances
J Zhang, X Liu, Y Xia, Z Zuo, Y Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (11), 7040-7048, 2016
SMC design for robust stabilization of nonlinear Markovian jump singular systems
Y Wang, Y Xia, H Shen, P Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (1), 219-224, 2017
Robust adaptive sliding-mode control for fuzzy systems with mismatched uncertainties
J Zhang, P Shi, Y Xia
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 18 (4), 700-711, 2010
Stability and stabilization of continuous-time singular hybrid systems
Y Xia, EK Boukas, P Shi, J Zhang
Automatica 45 (6), 1504-1509, 2009
Design and stability criteria of networked predictive control systems with random network delay in the feedback channel
GP Liu, Y Xia, D Rees, W Hu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2007
Backstepping controller design for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with Markovian switching
ZJ Wu, XJ Xie, P Shi, Y Xia
Automatica 45 (4), 997-1004, 2009
Stability analysis of systems with time-varying delays via the second-order Bessel–Legendre inequality
K Liu, A Seuret, Y Xia
Automatica 76, 138-142, 2017
An improved artificial potential field method for path planning and formation control of the multi-UAV systems
Z Pan, C Zhang, Y Xia, H Xiong, X Shao
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (3), 1129-1133, 2021
Lateral path tracking control of autonomous land vehicle based on ADRC and differential flatness
Y Xia, F Pu, S Li, Y Gao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (5), 3091-3099, 2016
Active disturbance rejection control for uncertain multivariable systems with time-delay
Y Xia, P Shi, GP Liu, D Rees, J Han
IET Control Theory & Applications 1 (1), 75-81, 2007
Active disturbance rejection attitude control for a dual closed-loop quadrotor under gust wind
H Yang, L Cheng, Y Xia, Y Yuan
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 26 (4), 1400-1405, 2017
Distributed MPC for formation of multi-agent systems with collision avoidance and obstacle avoidance
L Dai, Q Cao, Y Xia, Y Gao
Journal of the Franklin Institute 354 (4), 2068-2085, 2017
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