Kan Zheng
Kan Zheng
IEEE Fellow, Ningbo University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ieee.org
Blockchain-based decentralized trust management in vehicular networks
Z Yang, K Yang, L Lei, K Zheng, VCM Leung
IEEE internet of things journal 6 (2), 1495-1505, 2018
Heterogeneous vehicular networking: A survey on architecture, challenges, and solutions
K Zheng, Q Zheng, P Chatzimisios, W Xiang, Y Zhou
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 17 (4), 2377-2396, 2015
An IoT-cloud based wearable ECG monitoring system for smart healthcare
Z Yang, Q Zhou, L Lei, K Zheng, W Xiang
Journal of medical systems 40, 1-11, 2016
Radio resource allocation in LTE-advanced cellular networks with M2M communications
K Zheng, F Hu, W Xiang, M Dohler, W Wang
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (7), 184-192, 2012
Big data-driven optimization for mobile networks toward 5G
K Zheng, Z Yang, K Zhang, P Chatzimisios, K Yang, W Xiang
IEEE Network 30 (1), 44-51, 2016
Survey of Large-Scale MIMO Systems
K Zheng, L Zhao, J Mei, B Shao, W Xiang, L Hanzo
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (3), 1738 -1760, 2015
OFDM technology in broadband wireless communication
W Wang, K Zheng
Posts and Telecom Press, Beijing, China, 2003
5G mobile communications
W Xiang, K Zheng, X Shen
Springer, 2016
Deep reinforcement learning for autonomous internet of things: Model, applications and challenges
L Lei, Y Tan, K Zheng, S Liu, K Zhang, X Shen
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 22 (3), 1722-1760, 2020
Resource allocation based on deep reinforcement learning in IoT edge computing
X Xiong, K Zheng, L Lei, L Hou
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1133-1146, 2020
An SMDP-based resource allocation in vehicular cloud computing systems
K Zheng, H Meng, P Chatzimisios, L Lei, X Shen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (12), 7920-7928, 2015
Low power wide area machine-to-machine networks: Key techniques and prototype
X Xiong, K Zheng, R Xu, W Xiang, P Chatzimisios
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (9), 64-71, 2015
A blockchain-based reputation system for data credibility assessment in vehicular networks
Z Yang, K Zheng, K Yang, VCM Leung
2017 IEEE 28th annual international symposium on personal, indoor, and …, 2017
Massive MIMO Channel Models: A Survey
K Zheng, S Ou, X Yin
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2014
Internet of things cloud: Architecture and implementation
L Hou, S Zhao, X Xiong, K Zheng, P Chatzimisios, MS Hossain, W Xiang
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (12), 32-39, 2016
Design and implementation of open LoRa for IoT
Q Zhou, K Zheng, L Hou, J Xing, R Xu
Ieee Access 7, 100649-100657, 2019
Design and Implementation of LPWA-Based Air Quality Monitoring System
K Zheng, S Zhao, Z Yang, X Xiong, W Xiang
IEEE Access 4, 3238 - 3245, 2016
Challenges on wireless heterogeneous networks for mobile cloud computing
L Lei, Z Zhong, K Zheng, J Chen, H Meng
IEEE Wireless Communications 20 (3), 34-44, 2013
Challenges of massive access in highly dense LTE-advanced networks with machine-to-machine communications
K Zheng, S Ou, J Alonso-Zarate, M Dohler, F Liu, H Zhu
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (3), 12-18, 2014
Federated reinforcement learning: Techniques, applications, and open challenges
J Qi, Q Zhou, L Lei, K Zheng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11887, 2021
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