Thomas Maurer
Kinetically controlled synthesis of hexagonally close‐packed cobalt nanorods with high magnetic coercivity
Y Soumare, C Garcia, T Maurer, G Chaboussant, F Ott, F Fiévet, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (12), 1971-1977, 2009
Magnetic nanowires as permanent magnet materials
T Maurer, F Ott, G Chaboussant, Y Soumare, JY Piquemal, G Viau
Applied Physics Letters 91 (17), 2007
Coupling between plasmonic films and nanostructures: from basics to applications
T Maurer, PM Adam, G Lévêque
Nanophotonics 4 (3), 363-382, 2015
Dipolar interactions in arrays of ferromagnetic nanowires: A micromagnetic study
F Zighem, T Maurer, F Ott, G Chaboussant
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (1), 2011
Plasmonic mode interferences and Fano resonances in Metal-Insulator-Metal nanostructured interface
R Nicolas, G Lévêque, J Marae-Djouda, G Montay, Y Madi, J Plain, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 14419, 2015
Oriented magnetic nanowires with high coercivity
Y Soumare, JY Piquemal, T Maurer, F Ott, G Chaboussant, A Falqui, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (46), 5696-5702, 2008
Effects of the shape of elongated magnetic particles on the coercive field
F Ott, T Maurer, G Chaboussant, Y Soumare, JY Piquemal, G Viau
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (1), 2009
Exchange bias in Co/CoO core-shell nanowires: Role of antiferromagnetic superparamagnetic fluctuations
T Maurer, F Zighem, F Ott, G Chaboussant, G André, Y Soumare, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (6), 064427, 2009
High temperature structural and magnetic properties of cobalt nanorods
KA Atmane, F Zighem, Y Soumare, M Ibrahim, R Boubekri, T Maurer, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 197, 297-303, 2013
Highly crystalline cobalt nanowires with high coercivity prepared by soft chemistry
G Viau, C Garcıa, T Maurer, G Chaboussant, F Ott, Y Soumare, ...
physica status solidi (a) 206 (4), 663-666, 2009
The beginnings of plasmomechanics: towards plasmonic strain sensors
T Maurer, J Marae-Djouda, U Cataldi, A Gontier, G Montay, Y Madi, ...
Frontiers of Materials Science 9, 170-177, 2015
Enhancing LSPR sensitivity of Au gratings through graphene coupling to Au film
T Maurer, R Nicolas, G Lévêque, P Subramanian, J Proust, J Béal, ...
Plasmonics 9, 507-512, 2014
In depth investigation of lattice plasmon modes in substrate-supported gratings of metal monomers and dimers
N Mahi, G Lévêque, O Saison, J Marae-Djouda, R Caputo, A Gontier, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (4), 2388-2401, 2017
Dipolar interactions in magnetic nanowire aggregates
T Maurer, F Zighem, W Fang, F Ott, G Chaboussant, Y Soumare, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (12), 2011
Nickel 3D structures enhanced by electrodeposition of nickel nanoparticles as high performance anodes for direct borohydride fuel cells
G Braesch, AG Oshchepkov, A Bonnefont, F Asonkeng, T Maurer, ...
ChemElectroChem 7 (7), 1789-1799, 2020
Near-field and far-field sensitivities of LSPR sensors
I Kaminska, T Maurer, R Nicolas, M Renault, T Lerond, R Salas-Montiel, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (17), 9470-9476, 2015
Total oxidation of methane on oxide and mixed oxide ceria-containing catalysts
M Stoian, V Rogé, L Lazar, T Maurer, JC Védrine, IC Marcu, I Fechete
Catalysts 11 (4), 427, 2021
Angular plasmon response of gold nanoparticles arrays: approaching the Rayleigh limit
J Marae-Djouda, R Caputo, N Mahi, G Lévêque, A Akjouj, PM Adam, ...
Nanophotonics 6 (1), 279-288, 2017
Ordered arrays of magnetic nanowires investigated by polarized small-angle neutron scattering
T Maurer, S Gautrot, F Ott, G Chaboussant, F Zighem, L Cagnon, ...
Physical Review B 89 (18), 184423, 2014
Dense brushes of tilted metallic nanorods grown onto stretchable substrates for optical strain sensing
J Marae-Djouda, A Gontier, R Caputo, G Lévêque, B Bercu, Y Madi, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 (5), 2347-2355, 2018
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