BedMachine v3: Complete bed topography and ocean bathymetry mapping of Greenland from multibeam echo sounding combined with mass conservation M Morlighem, CN Williams, E Rignot, L An, JE Arndt, JL Bamber, ... Geophysical research letters 44 (21), 11,051-11,061, 2017 | 830 | 2017 |
Arctic Ocean glacial history M Jakobsson, K Andreassen, LR Bjarnadóttir, D Dove, JA Dowdeswell, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 92, 40-67, 2014 | 271 | 2014 |
An extensive and dynamic ice sheet on the West Greenland shelf during the last glacial cycle C Ó Cofaigh, JA Dowdeswell, AE Jennings, KA Hogan, A Kilfeather, ... Geology 41 (2), 219-222, 2013 | 132 | 2013 |
Sediment‐rich meltwater plumes and ice‐proximal fans at the margins of modern and ancient tidewater glaciers: Observations and modelling JA Dowdeswell, KA Hogan, NS Arnold, RI Mugford, M Wells, JPP Hirst, ... Sedimentology 62 (6), 1665-1692, 2015 | 110 | 2015 |
The variety and distribution of submarine glacial landforms and implications for ice-sheet reconstruction JA Dowdeswell, M Canals, M Jakobsson, BJ Todd, EK Dowdeswell, ... | 106 | 2016 |
Late Quaternary ice flow in a West Greenland fjord and cross-shelf trough system: submarine landforms from Rink Isbrae to Uummannaq shelf and slope JA Dowdeswell, KA Hogan, CÓ Cofaigh, EMG Fugelli, J Evans, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 92, 292-309, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |
Past ice-sheet flow east of Svalbard inferred from streamlined subglacial landforms JA Dowdeswell, KA Hogan, J Evans, R Noormets, C Ó Cofaigh, D Ottesen Geology 38 (2), 163-166, 2010 | 101 | 2010 |
Atlas of submarine glacial landforms: modern, quaternary and ancient JA Dowdeswell, M Canals, M Jakobsson, BJ Todd, EK Dowdeswell, ... Geological Society of London, 2016 | 80 | 2016 |
Deglaciation of a major palaeo-ice stream in Disko Trough, West Greenland KA Hogan, CÓ Cofaigh, AE Jennings, JA Dowdeswell, JF Hiemstra Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 5-26, 2016 | 80 | 2016 |
The international bathymetric chart of the southern ocean version 2 B Dorschel, L Hehemann, S Viquerat, F Warnke, S Dreutter, YS Tenberge, ... Scientific Data 9 (1), 275, 2022 | 78 | 2022 |
Evidence for full-glacial flow and retreat of the Late Weichselian Ice Sheet from the waters around Kong Karls Land, eastern Svalbard KA Hogan, JA Dowdeswell, R Noormets, J Evans, CÓ Cofaigh Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (25-26), 3563-3582, 2010 | 74 | 2010 |
Pathways and modification of warm water flowing beneath Thwaites Ice Shelf, West Antarctica AK Wåhlin, AGC Graham, KA Hogan, BY Queste, L Boehme, RD Larter, ... Science Advances 7 (15), eabd7254, 2021 | 72 | 2021 |
High-resolution geophysical observations of the Yermak Plateau and northern Svalbard margin: implications for ice-sheet grounding and deep-keeled icebergs JA Dowdeswell, M Jakobsson, KA Hogan, M O'Regan, J Backman, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (25-26), 3518-3531, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
The Holocene retreat dynamics and stability of Petermann Glacier in northwest Greenland M Jakobsson, KA Hogan, LA Mayer, A Mix, A Jennings, J Stoner, ... Nature communications 9 (1), 2104, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Glacimarine lithofacies, provenance and depositional processes on a West Greenland trough‐mouth fan C Ó Cofaigh, JT Andrews, AE Jennings, JA Dowdeswell, KA Hogan, ... Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (1), 13-26, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
Mapping submarine glacial landforms using acoustic methods M Jakobsson, R Gyllencreutz, LA Mayer, JA Dowdeswell, M Canals, ... | 62 | 2016 |
Submarine landforms and ice-sheet flow in the Kvitøya Trough, northwestern Barents Sea KA Hogan, JA Dowdeswell, R Noormets, J Evans, CÓ Cofaigh, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (25-26), 3545-3562, 2010 | 62 | 2010 |
Revealing the former bed of Thwaites Glacier using sea-floor bathymetry: implications for warm-water routing and bed controls on ice flow and buttressing KA Hogan, RD Larter, AGC Graham, R Arthern, JD Kirkham, RL Totten, ... The Cryosphere 14 (9), 2883-2908, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Ice stream retreat following the LGM and onset of the west Greenland current in Uummannaq Trough, west Greenland C Sheldon, A Jennings, JT Andrews, CÓ Cofaigh, K Hogan, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 27-46, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Glacimarine sedimentary processes and depositional environments in an embayment fed by West Greenland ice streams KA Hogan, JA Dowdeswell, CÓ Cofaigh Marine Geology 311, 1-16, 2012 | 50 | 2012 |