Austen Rainer
Austen Rainer
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na qub.ac.uk
Case study research in software engineering: Guidelines and examples
P Runeson, M Host, A Rainer, B Regnell
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Key success factors for implementing software process improvement: a maturity-based analysis
A Rainer, T Hall
Journal of Systems and Software 62 (2), 71-84, 2002
Requirements problems in twelve software companies: an empirical analysis
T Hall, S Beecham, A Rainer
IEE Proceedings-Software 149 (5), 153-160, 2002
Using an expert panel to validate a requirements process improvement model
S Beecham, T Hall, C Britton, M Cottee, A Rainer
Journal of Systems and Software 76 (3), 251-275, 2005
Trust in software outsourcing relationships: An empirical investigation of Indian software companies
NV Oza, T Hall, A Rainer, S Grey
Information and software Technology 48 (5), 345-354, 2006
Software process improvement problems in twelve software companies: An empirical analysis
S Beecham, T Hall, A Rainer
Empirical software engineering 8, 7-42, 2003
A quantitative and qualitative analysis of factors affecting software processes
A Rainer, T Hall
Journal of Systems and Software 66 (1), 7-21, 2003
Defining a requirements process improvement model
S Beecham, T Hall, A Rainer
Software Quality Journal 13, 247-279, 2005
Implementing software process improvement: an empirical study
T Hall, A Rainer, N Baddoo
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 7 (1), 3-15, 2002
Software-testing education: A systematic literature mapping
V Garousi, A Rainer, P Lauvås Jr, A Arcuri
Journal of Systems and Software 165, 110570, 2020
Robot-mediated interviews-how effective is a humanoid robot as a tool for interviewing young children?
LJ Wood, K Dautenhahn, A Rainer, B Robins, H Lehmann, DS Syrdal
PloS one 8 (3), e59448, 2013
Persuading developers to" buy into" software process improvement: a local opinion and empirical evidence
A Rainer, T Hall, N Baddoo
2003 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, 2003. ISESE …, 2003
Benefitting from the grey literature in software engineering research
V Garousi, M Felderer, MV Mäntylä, A Rainer
Contemporary Empirical Methods in Software Engineering, 385-413, 2020
Evaluating the quality and quantity of data on open source software projects
A Rainer, S Gale
Procs 1st int conf on open source software, 2005
The neglected technical skill?
T Hall, D Wilson, A Rainer, D Jagielska
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on Computer personnel …, 2007
Critical factors in software outsourcing: a pilot study
N Oza, T Hall, A Rainer, S Grey
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Interdisciplinary software …, 2004
Is software work routinized?: Some empirical observations from Indian software industry
PV Ilavarasan, AK Sharma
Journal of systems and software 66 (1), 1-6, 2003
Building a requirements process improvement model
S Beecham, T Hall, A Rainer
University of Hertfordshire, 2003
Is it a case study?—A critical analysis and guidance
C Wohlin, A Rainer
Journal of Systems and Software 192, 111395, 2022
An analysis of some ‘core studies’ of software process improvement
A Rainer, T Hall
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 6 (4), 169-187, 2001
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