Ivan Dozov
Ivan Dozov
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, UMR 8502 CNRS, 91405 Orsay, France
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On the spontaneous symmetry breaking in the mesophases of achiral banana-shaped molecules
I Dozov
Europhysics Letters 56 (2), 247, 2001
Fast bistable nematic display using monostable surface switching
I Dozov, M Nobili, G Durand
Applied Physics Letters 70 (9), 1179-1181, 1997
Flexoelectrically Driven Electroclinic Effect in the Twist-Bend Nematic Phase<? format?> of Achiral Molecules with Bent Shapes
C Meyer, GR Luckhurst, I Dozov
Physical review letters 111 (6), 067801, 2013
Outstanding Magnetic Properties of Nematic Suspensions of Goethite ( -FeOOH) Nanorods
BJ Lemaire, P Davidson, J Ferré, JP Jamet, P Panine, I Dozov, JP Jolivet
Physical review letters 88 (12), 125507, 2002
Order electricity and surface orientation in nematic liquid crystals
G Barbero, I Dozov, JF Palierne, G Durand
Physical review letters 56 (19), 2056, 1986
The temperature dependence of the heliconical tilt angle in the twist-bend nematic phase of the odd dimer CB7CB
C Meyer, GR Luckhurst, I Dozov
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (2), 318-328, 2015
Liquid-crystalline nematic phase in aqueous suspensions of a disk-shaped natural beidellite clay
E Paineau, K Antonova, C Baravian, I Bihannic, P Davidson, I Dozov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (48), 15858-15869, 2009
A liquid-crystalline hexagonal columnar phase in highly-dilute suspensions of imogolite nanotubes
E Paineau, MEM Krapf, MS Amara, NV Matskova, I Dozov, S Rouzière, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10271, 2016
Physical properties of aqueous suspensions of goethite (-FeOOH) nanorods: Part I: In the isotropic phase
BJ Lemaire, P Davidson, J Ferré, JP Jamet, D Petermann, P Panine, ...
The European Physical Journal E 13 (3), 291-308, 2004
Electric-field-induced perfect anti-nematic order in isotropic aqueous suspensions of a natural beidellite clay
I Dozov, E Paineau, P Davidson, K Antonova, C Baravian, I Bihannic, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (24), 7751-7765, 2011
Memory-free conic anchoring of liquid crystals on a solid substrate
OO Ramdane, P Auroy, S Forget, E Raspaud, P Martinot-Lagarde, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (17), 3871, 2000
Liquid–crystalline properties of aqueous suspensions of natural clay nanosheets
E Paineau, AM Philippe, K Antonova, I Bihannic, P Davidson, I Dozov, ...
Liquid Crystals Reviews 1 (2), 110-126, 2013
Surface frustration and texture instability in smectic-A liquid crystals
JB Fournier, I Dozov, G Durand
Physical Review A 41 (4), 2252, 1990
Local distortion energy and coarse-grained elasticity of the twist-bend nematic phase
C Meyer, I Dozov
Soft Matter 12 (2), 574-580, 2016
The complex phase behaviour of suspensions of goethite (α-FeOOH) nanorods in a magnetic field
BJ Lemaire, P Davidson, J Ferré, JP Jamet, D Petermann, P Panine, ...
Faraday discussions 128, 271-283, 2005
Photoinduced orientation in poly (vinylcinnamate) and poly (7-methacryloyloxycoumarin) thin films and the consequences on liquid crystal alignment
S Perny, PL Barny, J Delaire, T Buffeteau, C Sourisseau, I Dozov, ...
Liquid crystals 27 (3), 329-340, 2000
Flexoelectrically controlled twist of texture in a nematic liquid crystal
I Dozov, P Martinot-Lagarde, G Durand
Journal de Physique Lettres 43 (10), 365-369, 1982
Anchoring screening of defects interaction in a nematic liquid crystal
A Bogi, P Martinot-Lagarde, I Dozov, M Nobili
Physical review letters 89 (22), 225501, 2002
Azimuthal anchoring of nematic on undulated substrate: Elasticity memory
R Barberi, I Dozov, M Giocondo, M Iovane, P Martinot-Lagarde, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 6 (1 …, 1998
Bistable device for reflection display with inverse contrast
IN Dozov, PR Martinot-Lagarde, DN Stoenescu
US Patent 6,795,146, 2004
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