Chittaranjan Hens
Signal propagation in complex networks
P Ji, J Ye, Y Mu, W Lin, Y Tian, C Hens, M Perc, Y Tang, J Sun, J Kurths
Physics reports 1017, 1-96, 2023
Spatiotemporal signal propagation in complex networks
C Hens, U Harush, S Haber, R Cohen, B Barzel
Nature Physics 15 (4), 403-412, 2019
Chimeralike states in a network of oscillators under attractive and repulsive global coupling
A Mishra, C Hens, M Bose, PK Roy, SK Dana
Physical Review E 92 (062920), 2015
Extreme multistability: Attractor manipulation and robustness
C Hens, SK Dana, U Feudel
Chaos: An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science 25 (053112), 2015
How to obtain extreme multistability in coupled dynamical systems
CR Hens, R Banerjee, U Feudel, SK Dana
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (3 …, 2012
Oscillation death in diffusively coupled oscillators by local repulsive link
CR Hens, OI Olusola, P Pal, SK Dana
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Experimental observation of extreme multistability in an electronic system of two coupled Rössler oscillators
MS Patel, U Patel, A Sen, GC Sethia, C Hens, SK Dana, U Feudel, ...
Physical Review E 89 (2), 022918, 2014
Routes to extreme events in dynamical systems: Dynamical and statistical characteristics
A Mishra, S Leo Kingston, C Hens, T Kapitaniak, U Feudel, SK Dana
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (6), 2020
Extreme events in a network of heterogeneous Josephson junctions
A Ray, A Mishra, D Ghosh, T Kapitaniak, SK Dana, C Hens
Physical Review E 101 (3), 032209, 2020
Coherent libration to coherent rotational dynamics via chimeralike states and clustering in a Josephson junction array
A Mishra, S Saha, C Hens, PK Roy, M Bose, P Louodop, HA Cerdeira, ...
Physical Review E 95 (1), 010201, 2017
Emergent stability in complex network dynamics
C Meena, C Hens, S Acharyya, S Haber, S Boccaletti, B Barzel
Nature Physics 19 (7), 1033-1042, 2023
Explosive synchronization in phase-frustrated multiplex networks
P Khanra, P Kundu, C Hens, P Pal
Physical Review E 98 (5), 052315, 2018
Diverse routes of transition from amplitude to oscillation death in coupled oscillators under additional repulsive link
CR Hens, P Pal, SK Bhowmick, PK Roy, A Sen, SK Dana
Phys. Rev. E 89 (032901), 2014
Engineering generalized synchronization in chaotic oscillators
PK Roy, C Hens, I Grosu, SK Dana
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 21 (1), 2011
Chimera states in a population of identical oscillators under planar cross-coupling
CR Hens, A Mishra, PK Roy, A Sen, SK Dana
Pramana-Journal Of Physics 84 (2), 229-235, 2015
Basin stability measure of different steady states in coupled oscillators
S Rakshit, BK Bera, S Majhi, C Hens, D Ghosh
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45909, 2017
Neuron-like spiking and bursting in Josephson junctions: A review
A Mishra, S Ghosh, S Kumar Dana, T Kapitaniak, C Hens
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31 (5), 052101, 2021
Antiphase synchronization in multiplex networks with attractive and repulsive interactions
SN Chowdhury, S Rakshit, JM Buldu, D Ghosh, C Hens
Physical Review E 103 (3), 032310, 2021
Reservoir computing on epidemic spreading: A case study on COVID-19 cases
S Ghosh, A Senapati, A Mishra, J Chattopadhyay, SK Dana, C Hens, ...
Physical Review E 104 (1), 014308, 2021
Transition from amplitude to oscillation death in a network of oscillators
M Nandan, CR Hens, P Pal, SK Dana
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 24 (4), 2014
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