Hao Yu (余昊)
Transport of shale gas in microporous/nanoporous media: molecular to pore-scale simulations
H Yu, HY Xu, JC Fan, YB Zhu, FC Wang, HA Wu
Energy & Fuels 35 (2), 911-943, 2021
Multiscale transport mechanism of shale gas in micro/nano-pores
H Yu, J Chen, YB Zhu, FC Wang, HA Wu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 111, 1172-1180, 2017
Multiscale simulations of shale gas transport in micro/nano-porous shale matrix considering pore structure influence
H Yu, YB Zhu, X Jin, H Liu, HA Wu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 64, 28-40, 2019
Nanopore Confinement of Electrocatalysts Optimizing Triple Transport for an Ultrahigh‐Power‐Density Zinc–Air Fuel Cell with Robust Stability
T Zhou, H Shan, H Yu, C Zhong, J Ge, N Zhang, W Chu, W Yan, Q Xu, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (47), 2003251, 2020
Subsize Pt-based intermetallic compound enables long-term cyclic mass activity for fuel-cell oxygen reduction
H Cheng, R Gui, H Yu, C Wang, S Liu, H Liu, T Zhou, N Zhang, X Zheng, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (35), e2104026118, 2021
Pressure-dependent transport characteristic of methane gas in slit nanopores
H Yu, JC Fan, J Chen, YB Zhu, HA Wu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 123, 657-667, 2018
Unidirectional and selective proton transport in artificial heterostructured nanochannels with nano‐to‐subnano confined water clusters
X Li, H Zhang, H Yu, J Xia, YB Zhu, HA Wu, J Hou, J Lu, R Ou, CD Easton, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (24), 2001777, 2020
Hydraulic fracturing and enhanced recovery in shale reservoirs: theoretical analysis to engineering applications
H Yu, WL Xu, B Li, HW Huang, M Micheal, Q Wang, MC Huang, SW Meng, ...
Energy & Fuels 37 (14), 9956-9997, 2023
Multiscale gas transport behavior in heterogeneous shale matrix consisting of organic and inorganic nanopores
H Yu, JC Fan, J Xia, H Liu, HA Wu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 75, 103139, 2020
Two-phase Transport Characteristic of Shale Gas and Water through Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanopores
HY Xu, H Yu, J Fan, YB Zhu, FC Wang, HA Wu
Energy & Fuels, 2020
Ultrafast rectifying counter-directional transport of proton and metal ions in metal-organic framework–based nanochannels
J Lu, H Xu, H Yu, X Hu, J Xia, Y Zhu, F Wang, HA Wu, L Jiang, H Wang
Science Advances 8 (14), eabl5070, 2022
Pore‐scale 3D dynamic modeling and characterization of shale samples: considering the effects of thermal maturation
Y Wu, P Tahmasebi, H Yu, C Lin, HA Wu, C Dong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (1), e2019JB018309, 2020
A hybrid numerical approach for hydraulic fracturing in a naturally fractured formation combining the XFEM and phase-field model
JN Zhang, H Yu, WL Xu, CS Lv, M Micheal, F Shi, HA Wu
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 271, 108621, 2022
Ultrafast water evaporation through graphene membranes with subnanometer pores for desalination
X Chen, YB Zhu, H Yu, JZ Liu, CD Easton, Z Wang, Y Hu, Z Xie, HA Wu, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 621, 118934, 2021
Roughness factor-dependent transport characteristic of shale gas through amorphous kerogen nanopores
H Yu, HY Xu, JC Fan, FC Wang, HA Wu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (23), 12752-12765, 2020
Lattice Boltzmann method simulations about shale gas flow in contracting nano-channels
XZ Li, JC Fan, H Yu, YB Zhu, HA Wu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 122, 1210-1221, 2018
Nanoconfined transport characteristic of methane in organic shale nanopores: the applicability of the continuous model
H Yu, HY Xu, J Xia, JC Fan, FC Wang, HA Wu
Energy & Fuels 34 (8), 9552-9562, 2020
Phase-field method of crack branching during SC-CO2 fracturing: A new energy release rate criterion coupling pore pressure gradient
WL Xu, H Yu, JN Zhang, CS Lyu, Q Wang, M Micheal, HA Wu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 399, 115366, 2022
Channel-width dependent pressure-driven flow characteristics of shale gas in nanopores
J Chen, H Yu, J Fan, F Wang, D Lu, H Liu, H Wu
AIP advances 7 (4), 2017
Permeability prediction of low-resolution porous media images using autoencoder-based convolutional neural network
HL Zhang, H Yu, XH Yuan, HY Xu, M Micheal, JN Zhang, HL Shu, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109589, 2022
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