Hermann Kohlstedt
Ferroelectric thin films: Review of materials, properties, and applications
N Setter, D Damjanovic, L Eng, G Fox, S Gevorgian, S Hong, A Kingon, ...
Journal of applied physics 100 (5), 2006
Emerging memories: resistive switching mechanisms and current status
DS Jeong, R Thomas, RS Katiyar, JF Scott, H Kohlstedt, A Petraru, ...
Reports on progress in physics 75 (7), 076502, 2012
Tunneling across a ferroelectric
EY Tsymbal, H Kohlstedt
Science 313 (5784), 181-183, 2006
Theoretical current-voltage characteristics of ferroelectric tunnel junctions
H Kohlstedt, NA Pertsev, J Rodríguez Contreras, R Waser
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (12), 125341, 2005
Resistive switching in metal–ferroelectric–metal junctions
J Rodrıguez Contreras, H Kohlstedt, U Poppe, R Waser, C Buchal, ...
Applied physics letters 83 (22), 4595-4597, 2003
Phase diagrams and physical properties of single-domain epitaxial thin films
NA Pertsev, VG Kukhar, H Kohlstedt, R Waser
Physical Review B 67 (5), 054107, 2003
Dynamic behavior of Josephson-coupled layered structures
R Kleiner, P Müller, H Kohlstedt, NF Pedersen, S Sakai
Physical Review B 50 (6), 3942, 1994
Current status and challenges of ferroelectric memory devices
H Kohlstedt, Y Mustafa, A Gerber, A Petraru, M Fitsilis, R Meyer, U Böttger, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 80, 296-304, 2005
An electronic version of Pavlov's dog
M Ziegler, R Soni, T Patelczyk, M Ignatov, T Bartsch, P Meuffels, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (13), 2744-2749, 2012
Josephson Tunnel Junctions with Ferromagnetic Barrier
M Weides, M Kemmler, H Kohlstedt, R Waser, D Koelle, R Kleiner, ...
Physical review letters 97 (24), 247001, 2006
Theory and experiment on electromagnetic-wave-propagation velocities in stacked superconducting tunnel structures
S Sakai, AV Ustinov, H Kohlstedt, A Petraglia, NF Pedersen
Physical Review B 50 (17), 12905, 1994
Towards artificial neurons and synapses: a materials point of view
DS Jeong, I Kim, M Ziegler, H Kohlstedt
RSC advances 3 (10), 3169-3183, 2013
Evidence for triplet superconductivity in Josephson junctions with barriers of the ferromagnetic Heusler alloy
D Sprungmann, K Westerholt, H Zabel, M Weides, H Kohlstedt
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (6), 060505, 2010
Resistive switching phenomena in thin films: Materials, devices, and applications
DB Strukov, H Kohlstedt
MRS bulletin 37 (2), 108-114, 2012
Ultrathin epitaxial ferroelectric films grown on compressive substrates: Competition between the surface and strain effects
AG Zembilgotov, NA Pertsev, H Kohlstedt, R Waser
Journal of applied physics 91 (4), 2247-2254, 2002
High quality ferromagnetic 0 and π Josephson tunnel junctions
M Weides, M Kemmler, E Goldobin, D Koelle, R Kleiner, H Kohlstedt, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (12), 2006
Misfit dislocations in nanoscale ferroelectric heterostructures
V Nagarajan, CL Jia, H Kohlstedt, R Waser, IB Misirlioglu, SP Alpay, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (19), 2005
Experimental Evidence of a Josephson Junction
H Sickinger, A Lipman, M Weides, RG Mints, H Kohlstedt, D Koelle, ...
Physical review letters 109 (10), 107002, 2012
Crossing an interface: Ferroelectric control of tunnel currents in magnetic complex oxide heterostructures
M Hambe, A Petraru, NA Pertsev, P Munroe, V Nagarajan, H Kohlstedt
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (15), 2436-2441, 2010
Size effects in ultrathin epitaxial ferroelectric heterostructures
V Nagarajan, S Prasertchoung, T Zhao, H Zheng, J Ouyang, R Ramesh, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (25), 5225-5227, 2004
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