Robert C. Dempsey
Robert C. Dempsey
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
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A critical appraisal of the Social Norms Approach as an interventional strategy for health-related behaviour and attitude change
RC Dempsey, J McAlaney, B Bewick
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2180, 2018
Defeat and Entrapment in Bipolar Disorder: Exploring the relationship with suicidal ideation from a psychological theoretical perspective.
R Owen, R Dempsey, S Jones, P Gooding
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 48 (1), 116-128, 2018
Illicit substance use among university students from seven European countries: A comparison of personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards illicit substance use
SM Helmer, RT Mikolajczyk, J McAlaney, B Vriesacker, G Van Hal, ...
Preventive Medicine 67, 204-209, 2014
Quality of life research: A case for combining photo-elicitation with interpretative phenomenological analysis
A Burton, M Hughes, RC Dempsey
Qualitative Research in Psychology 14 (4), 375-393, 2017
Personal and perceived peer use of and attitudes toward alcohol among university and college students in seven EU countries: Project SNIPE
J McAlaney, SM Helmer, C Stock, B Vriesacker, G Van Hal, RC Dempsey, ...
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 76 (3), 430-438, 2015
A qualitative investigation into the relationships between social factors and suicidal thoughts and acts experienced by people with a bipolar disorder diagnosis
R Owen, P Gooding, R Dempsey, S Jones
Journal of Affective Disorders 176, 133-140, 2015
A pilot web based positive parenting intervention to help bipolar parents to improve perceived parenting skills and child outcomes
S Jones, R Calam, M Sanders, PJ Diggle, R Dempsey, V Sadhnani
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 42 (03), 283-296, 2014
Normative perceptions of cannabis use among European university students: associations of perceived peer use and peer attitudes with personal use and attitudes
RC Dempsey, J McAlaney, SM Helmer, CR Pischke, Y Akvardar, ...
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 77 (5), 740-748, 2016
Normative misperceptions of tobacco use among university students in seven European countries: Baseline findings of the ‘Social Norms Intervention for the prevention of …
CR Pischke, SM Helmer, J McAlaney, BM Bewick, B Vriesacker, ...
Addictive Behaviors 51, 158-164, 2015
Parenting and the emotional and behavioural adjustment of young children in families with a parent with bipolar disorder
R Calam, S Jones, MR Sanders, R Dempsey, V Sadhnani
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 40 (04), 425-437, 2012
A social norms approach intervention to address misperceptions of anti-vaccine conspiracy beliefs amongst UK parents
D Cookson, D Jolley, RC Dempsey, R Povey
PLOS ONE 16 (11), e0258985, 2021
The reciprocal relationship between Bipolar Disorder and social interaction: A qualitative investigation.
R Owen, P Gooding, R Dempsey, S Jones
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 24 (4), 911-918, 2017
Positive and negative cognitive style correlates of the vulnerability to hypomania
RC Dempsey, PA Gooding, SH Jones
Journal of Clinical Psychology 67 (7), 673-690, 2011
Delivering in‐school interventions to improve dietary behaviours amongst 11‐to 16‐year‐olds: A systematic review
S Calvert, RC Dempsey, R Povey
Obesity Reviews 20 (4), 543-553, 2019
"If they believe, then so shall I": Perceived beliefs of the in-group predict conspiracy theory belief
D Cookson, D Jolley, RC Dempsey, R Povey
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 24 (5), 759-782, 2021
Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards the use of nonmedical prescription stimulants to improve academic performance among university students in seven European …
SM Helmer, CR Pischke, G Van Hal, B Vriesacker, RC Dempsey, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 168, 128-134, 2016
Negative Consequences of Substance Use in European University Students: Results from Project SNIPE
J McAlaney, RC Dempsey, SM Helmer, G Van Hal, BM Bewick, ...
European Addiction Research 27 (1), 75-82, 2021
Personal and perceived peer use and attitudes towards use of non-prescribed prescription sedatives and sleeping pills among university students in seven European countries
G Lehne, H Zeeb, CR Pischke, R Mikolajczyk, BM Bewick, J McAlaney, ...
Addictive Behaviors 87, 17-23, 2018
A qualitative study investigating food choices and perceived psychosocial influences on eating behaviours in secondary school students
S Calvert, RC Dempsey, R Povey
British Food Journal 122 (4), 1027-1039, 2020
“I am free in my wheelchair but pain does have a say in it though”: The meaning and experience of quality of life when living with paraplegia and chronic pain
M Hughes, A Burton, RC Dempsey
Journal of Health Psychology 24 (10), 1356-1367, 2019
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