Kai Wang
On the limitations of interstation distances in ambient noise tomography
Y Luo, Y Yang, Y Xu, H Xu, K Zhao, K Wang
Geophysical Journal International 201 (2), 652-661, 2015
The origin and mantle dynamics of quaternary intraplate volcanism in Northeast China from joint inversion of surface wave and body wave
Z Guo, K Wang, Y Yang, Y Tang, Y John Chen, SH Hung
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (3), 2410-2425, 2018
Refined crustal and uppermost mantle structure of southern California by ambient noise adjoint tomography
K Wang, Y Yang, P Basini, P Tong, C Tape, Q Liu
Geophysical Journal International 215 (2), 844-863, 2018
Crustal deformation in southern California constrained by radial anisotropy from ambient noise adjoint tomography
K Wang, C Jiang, Y Yang, V Schulte‐Pelkum, Q Liu
Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL088580, 2020
Crustal rotation and fluids: Factors for the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence?
P Tong, J Yao, Q Liu, T Li, K Wang, S Liu, YW Cheng, S Wu
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (3), e2020GL090853, 2021
A Large Magma Reservoir beneath the Tengchong Volcano Revealed by Ambient Noise Adjoint Tomography
Y Zhao, Z Guo, K Wang, YJ Yang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB022116, 2021
Correction of phase velocity bias caused by strong directional noise sources in high-frequency ambient noise tomography: a case study in Karamay, China
K Wang, Y Luo, Y Yang
Geophysical Journal International 205 (2), 715-727, 2016
Adjoint tomography of ambient noise data and teleseismic P waves: methodology and applications to central California
K Wang, Y Yang, C Jiang, Y Wang, P Tong, T Liu, Q Liu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB021648, 2021
New insights into the structural heterogeneity and geodynamics of the Indo-Burma subduction zone from ambient noise tomography
S Wu, J Yao, S Wei, J Hubbard, Y Wang, YMM Htwe, M Thant, X Wang, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 562, 116856, 2021
High-frequency seismic wave modelling of the deep Earth based on hybrid methods and spectral-element simulations: a conceptual study
C Lin, V Monteiller, K Wang, T Liu, P Tong, Q Liu
Geophysical Journal International 219 (3), 1948–1969, 2019
Three‐dimensional sensitivity kernels for multicomponent empirical Green's functions from ambient noise: Methodology and application to adjoint tomography
K Wang, Q Liu, Y Yang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (6), 5794-5810, 2019
Body waves revealed by spatial stacking on long-term cross-correlation of ambient noise
K Wang, Y Luo, K Zhao, L Zhang
Journal of Earth Science 25, 977-984, 2014
Full‐waveform inversion of high‐frequency teleseismic body waves based on multiple plane‐wave incidence: Methods and practical applications
K Wang, Y Wang, X Song, P Tong, Q Liu, Y Yang
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 112 (1), 118-132, 2022
Adjoint‐state teleseismic traveltime tomography: Method and application to Thailand in Indochina Peninsula
J Chen, S Wu, M Xu, M Nagaso, J Yao, K Wang, T Li, Y Bai, P Tong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128 (12), e2023JB027348, 2023
The nature of ambient noise over a field in western Junggar basin near Karamay, China
K Wang, Y Luo, H Li
The 6th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics …, 2014
Receiver function adjoint tomography for three‐dimensional high‐resolution seismic array imaging: methodology and applications in southeastern Tibet
M Xu, K Wang, J Chen, D Yu, P Tong
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (19), e2023GL104077, 2023
Crustal deformation in the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane region inferred from P‐wave azimuthal anisotropy
K Wang, S Wu, P Tong
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2022JB024554, 2022
Crustal and uppermost mantle structures of the North American Midcontinent Rift revealed by joint full-waveform inversion of ambient-noise data and teleseismic P waves
B He, K Wang, T Liu, T Lei, N Du, S van der Lee, FA Darbyshire, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 641, 118797, 2024
Cube2sph: A toolkit enabling flexible and accurate continental-scale seismic wave simulations using the SPECFEM3D_Cartesian package
T Liu, K Wang, Y Xie, B He, T Lei, N Du, P Tong, Y Yang, CA Rychert, ...
Computers & Geosciences 190, 105644, 2024
Full-waveform joint inversion of ambient noise data and teleseismic P waves: methodology and applications to central California
K Wang, Y Yang, C Jiang, Y Wang, P Tong, Q Liu
Authorea Preprints, 2022
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