Amit Bera
Amit Bera
Department of Applied Geophysics, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iitism.ac.in
Delineation of groundwater potential zones in Karha river basin, Maharashtra, India using AHP and geospatial techniques
A Bera, BP Mukhopadhyay, S Barua
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13, 2020
Landslide hazard zonation mapping using multi-criteria analysis with the help of GIS techniques: a case study from Eastern Himalayas, Namchi, South Sikkim
A Bera, BP Mukhopadhyay, D Das
Natural Hazards 96, 935-959, 2019
Delineating groundwater potential zones of agriculture dominated landscapes using GIS based AHP techniques: a case study from Uttar Dinajpur district, West Bengal
S Biswas, BP Mukhopadhyay, A Bera
Environmental Earth Sciences 79 (12), 302, 2020
Groundwater vulnerability assessment using GIS-based DRASTIC model in Nangasai River Basin, India with special emphasis on agricultural contamination
A Bera, BP Mukhopadhyay, P Chowdhury, A Ghosh, S Biswas
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021
Cleaning the river Damodar (India): impact of COVID-19 lockdown on water quality and future rejuvenation strategies
B Chakraborty, S Roy, A Bera, PP Adhikary, B Bera, D Sengupta, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-15, 2021
Eco-restoration of river water quality during COVID-19 lockdown in the industrial belt of eastern India
B Chakraborty, S Roy, A Bera, PP Adhikary, B Bera, D Sengupta, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021
Assessment of soil loss by universal soil loss equation (USLE) model using GIS techniques: a case study of Gumti River Basin, Tripura, India
A Bera
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 3, 1-9, 2017
Deep learning and boosting framework for piping erosion susceptibility modeling: spatial evaluation of agricultural areas in the semi-arid region
Y Chen, W Chen, S Janizadeh, GS Bhunia, A Bera, QB Pham, NTT Linh, ...
Geocarto International, 2021
Groundwater vulnerability and contamination risk mapping of semi-arid Totko river basin, India using GIS-based DRASTIC model and AHP techniques
A Bera, BP Mukhopadhyay, S Das
Chemosphere, 2022
Groundwater vulnerability assessment using GIS-based DRASTIC model in the upper catchment of Dwarakeshwar river basin, West Bengal, India
B Chakraborty, S Roy, A Bera, PP Adhikary, B Bera, D Sengupta, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences volume 81, 1-15, 2021
Estimation of Soil loss by USLE Model using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques: A case study of Muhuri River Basin, Tripura, India
A Bera
Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 6 (3), 2017
Integrated assessment of groundwater potential zone under agricultural dominated areas in the western part of Dakshin Dinajpur district, West Bengal, India
S Barua, BP Mukhopadhyay, A Bera
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1042(1-17), 2021
Water resources management in semi-arid Purulia District of West Bengal, in the context of sustainable development goals
A Bera, S Das
Groundwater and Society, 2021
Morphometric Analysis of Adula River Basin in Maharashtra, India using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques
A Bera, BP Mukhopadhyay, D Das
Geo-spatial Data in Natural Resources, 13-35, 2018
Suitability assessment of groundwater quality for irrigational use in Sagardighi block, Murshidabad district, West Bengal
BP Mukhopadhyay, A Chakraborty, A Bera, R Saha
Applied Water Science, 2022
Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater for irrigation suitability in the alluvial aquifers of Dakshin Dinajpur district, West Bengal, India
S Barua, BP Mukhopadhyay, A Bera
Environmental Earth Sciences 80, 514(1-14), 2021
Hydrochemical assessment of groundwater suitability for irrigation in the north-eastern blocks of Purulia district, India using GIS and AHP techniques
P Chowdhury, BP Mukhopadhyay, A Bera
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2022
Hydro-chemical characterization of groundwater and evaluation of health risk assessment for fluoride contamination areas in the eastern blocks of Purulia district, India
P Chowdhury, BP Mukhopadhyay, S Nayak, A Bera
Environment Development and Sustainability, 1-28, 2021
Geospatial Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking through Water Quality Index and Human Health Risk Index in an Upland Area of Chota Nagpur Plateau of West Bengal, India
B Chakraborty, S Roy, A Bera, PP Adhikary, B Bera, D Sengupta, ...
Spatial Modeling and Assessment of Environmental Contaminants 1, 327-358, 2021
Identification of suitable sites for surface rainwater harvesting in the drought prone Kumari River basin, India in the context of irrigation water management
A Bera, BP Mukhopadhyay
Journal of Hydrology, 2023
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