Jielun Sun
Jielun Sun
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CASES-99: A comprehensive investigation of the stable nocturnal boundary layer
GS Poulos, W Blumen, DC Fritts, JK Lundquist, J Sun, SP Burns, C Nappo, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 83 (4), 555-582, 2002
Turbulence regimes and turbulence intermittency in the stable boundary layer during CASES-99
J Sun, L Mahrt, RM Banta, YL Pichugina
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 69 (1), 338-351, 2012
The coupled boundary layers and air–sea transfer experiment in low winds
J Edson, T Crawford, J Crescenti, T Farrar, N Frew, G Gerbi, C Helmis, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 88 (3), 341-356, 2007
Atmospheric disturbances that generate intermittent turbulence in nocturnal boundary layers
J Sun, DH Lenschow, SP Burns, RM Banta, RK Newsom, R Coulter, ...
Boundary-layer meteorology 110, 255-279, 2004
Shallow drainage flows
L Mahrt, D Vickers, R Nakamura, MR Soler, J Sun, S Burns, DH Lenschow
Boundary-layer meteorology 101, 243-260, 2001
Intermittent turbulence associated with a density current passage in the stable boundary layer
J Sun, SP Burns, DH Lenschow, R Banta, R Newsom, R Coulter, S Frasier, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 105, 199-219, 2002
Surface-layer fluxes in stable conditions
JF Howell, J Sun
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 90, 495-520, 1999
Review of wave‐turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
J Sun, CJ Nappo, L Mahrt, D Belušić, B Grisogono, DR Stauffer, M Pulido, ...
Reviews of geophysics 53 (3), 956-993, 2015
Turbulence statistics of a Kelvin–Helmholtz billow event observed in the night-time boundary layer during the Cooperative Atmosphere–Surface Exchange Study field program
W Blumen, R Banta, SP Burns, DC Fritts, R Newsom, GS Poulos, J Sun
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 34 (2-4), 189-204, 2001
The minimum wind speed for sustainable turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer
BJH Van de Wiel, AF Moene, HJJ Jonker, P Baas, S Basu, JMM Donda, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 69 (11), 3116-3127, 2012
Determination of surface fluxes from the surface radiative temperature
J Sun, L Mahrt
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 52 (8), 1096-1106, 1995
Transport of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and ozone by turbulence and local circulations
J Sun, R Desjardins, L Mahrt, I MacPherson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D20), 25873-25885, 1998
The very stable boundary layer on nights with weak low-level jets
RM Banta, L Mahrt, D Vickers, J Sun, BB Balsley, YL Pichugina, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 64 (9), 3068-3090, 2007
100 years of progress in boundary layer meteorology
MA LeMone, WM Angevine, CS Bretherton, F Chen, J Dudhia, ...
Meteorological Monographs 59, 9.1-9.85, 2019
Ocean wave slope observations using radar backscatter and laser altimeters
D Vandemark, B Chapron, J Sun, GH Crescenti, HC Graber
Journal of Physical Oceanography 34 (12), 2825-2842, 2004
Observations of fluxes and inland breezes over a heterogeneous surface
L Mahrt, J Sun, D Vickers, JI MacPherson, JR Pederson, RL Desjardins
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 51 (17), 2484-2499, 1994
Wind and temperature oscillations generated by wave–turbulence interactions in the stably stratified boundary layer
J Sun, L Mahrt, C Nappo, DH Lenschow
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 72 (4), 1484-1503, 2015
The role of large-coherent-eddy transport in the atmospheric surface layer based on CASES-99 observations
J Sun, DH Lenschow, MA LeMone, L Mahrt
Boundary-layer meteorology 160, 83-111, 2016
Diurnal variations of thermal roughness height over a grassland
J Sun
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 92, 407-427, 1999
CO2 transport over complex terrain
J Sun, SP Burns, AC Delany, SP Oncley, AA Turnipseed, BB Stephens, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 145 (1-2), 1-21, 2007
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