Courtney E Larson
The River Continuum Concept: lessons from the past and perspectives for the future
A Doretto, E Piano, CE Larson
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77 (11), 1853-1864, 2020
Microbial community response to a novel salmon resource subsidy
CE Larson, JL Pechal, BS Gerig, DT Chaloner, GA Lamberti, ME Benbow
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 505, 2020
Predicting invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) spread using a traditional survey and river network simulation
CE Larson, T Bo, A Candiotto, S Fenoglio, A Doretto
River Research and Applications 38 (8), 1424-1435, 2022
Emerald ash borer invasion of riparian forests alters organic matter and bacterial subsidies to south Michigan headwater streams
CE Larson, P Engelken, DG McCullough, ME Benbow
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80 (2), 298-312, 2022
Invasive Dreissena Mussel Coastal Transport From an Already Invaded Estuary to a Nearby Archipelago Detected in DNA and Zooplankton Surveys
CE Larson, JT Barge, CL Hatzenbuhler, JC Hoffman, GS Peterson, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 818738, 2022
Diverse Allochthonous Resource Quality Effects on Headwater Stream Communities through Insect-Microbe Interactions
C Larson
Michigan State University, 2020
Stream organic matter processing influenced by a terrestrial insect invader, emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
C Larson, P Engelken, DG McCullough, ME Benbow
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16), 2019
Aquatic Ecology: Streams And Rivers
C Larson
2019 ESA Annual Meeting (August 11--16), 2019
Insects, microbes and leaf litter decomposition in a Michigan headwater stream: Changing riparian subsidies alter stream communities
CE Larson, ME Benbow
2019 North Central Branch Meeting, 2019
A terrestrial insect invader, emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis), influences organic matter subsidies and associated microbiomes to Michigan headwater streams
C Larson, P Engelken, JL Pechal, DG McCullough, ME Benbow
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
Shedding light on emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) indirect effects on aquatic ecosystem function
CE Larson, PJ Engelken, JL Pechal, DG McCullough, ME Benbow
Entomology 2017, 2017
The ecological importance of resource subsidies on insect-microbe interactions in aquatic ecosystems: The dispersal of novel microbes and their genomes in insect communities
ME Benbow, JL Pechal, CE Larson, PJ Engelken, DG McCullough, ...
Entomology 2017, 2017
Member Symposium: Aquatic Entomology: Innovative Strategies in Research, Education, and Outreach
CE Larson, AR Kautz
Entomology 2017, 2017
Team 2: Michigan State University (faculty advisor-Jim Smith), Topic 2
CE Larson, N Babcock, L Komondy, JP Receveur
Entomology 2017, 2017
Effects of emerald ash borer on riparian forest structure
PJ Engelken, DG McCullough, CE Larson, ME Benbow
Entomology 2017, 2017
Aphid community structure influenced by environmental variation over large spatial and temporal scales
CE Larson
Entomology 2017, 2017
Environmental variation influences aphid community structure over large spatial and temporal scales
S Constantinou, C Larson, I Osei-Bonsu, B Van Deynze, CR Zirbel, ...
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11), 2017
Aquatic macroinvertebrate and microbial community responses to salmon carrion introduction into a headwater stream
C Larson, C Weatherbee, J Pechal, B Gerig, G Lamberti, M Benbow
The influence of salmon carcass introduction on aquatic microbial and macroinvertebrate community interactions
C Larson, C Weatherbee, JL Pechal, B Gerig, D Chaloner, GA Lamberti, ...
101st ESA Annual Meeting (August 7--12, 2016), 2016
Benefits and Trade-Offs of Environmental DNA (eDNA) in Wilderness Character Monitoring
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