Alexia Dayet
Alexia Dayet
PhD Student Cirad
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cirad.fr
Leaf carbon and water status control stomatal and nonstomatal limitations of photosynthesis in trees
Y Salmon, A Lintunen, A Dayet, T Chan, R Dewar, T Vesala, T Hölttä
New phytologist 226 (3), 690-703, 2020
Surviving the jungle of soil organic carbon certification standards: an analytic and critical review
J Demenois, A Dayet, A Karsenty
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 27 (1), 1, 2022
Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach
A Dayet, JC Diepart, JC Castella, S Sieng, R Kong, F Tivet, J Demenois
Agricultural Systems 217, 103953, 2024
D'une agriculture vivrière aux cultures d'exportation: quel avenir pour la filière rizicole biologique de la commune de Rik Rey? Cambodge, province de Preah Vihear, district de …
A Dayet
Montpellier SupAgro, 2021
Exploring adaptive spaces towards sustainable rice in Cambodia
A Dayet, JC Castella, JC Diepart, S Lim
EuroSEAS 2024, 2024
The future of rice fields: Main lessons from an analysis of incentive mechanisms to agroecology in Cambodia
A Dayet, JC Castella
TARASA23-Transitioning Towards Agroecology and Regenerative Agriculture: A …, 2023
Are we delivering the seeds for change? A critical analysis of the Sustainable Rice Platform in Cambodia.
A Dayet, JC Diepart, C Thon, J Demenois
6th International Rice Congress, 2023
Incentives are not enough! The intricacies of an agroecological transition in upland Cambodia
A Dayet, JC Diepart, S Sieng, F Tivet, J Demenois
SFER, 2022
From subsistence agriculture to crops export: what future for the organic value-chain in Rik Rey commune?
A Dayet
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: DUMAS …, 2021
D ‘une agriculture vivrière aux cultures d’exportation: quel avenir pour la filière rizicole biologique de Rik Rey?
A Dayet
Cirad, chemin de Baillarguet, 34980 Montferrier-sur-Lez, 2021
Non-stomatal limitation of photosynthesis response to changes in leaf osmolality during drought
YLB Salmon, A Dayet, AM Lintunen, TV Vesala, TS Hölttä
Proceedings of ‘The Centre of Excellence in Atmospheric Science (CoE ATM …, 2018
Présentation de la collection
A Dayet, JC Diepart, JC Castella, S Sieng, R Kong
Qualitative data on soil carbon certification schemes in agriculture and forestry
A Dayet, J Demenois
CIRAD Dataverse, 0
Can a Certification Scheme Help Farmers Resist the Pressure of Agrarian Transition? Insights from Organic Rice Farming in Cambodia
A Dayet, JC Diepart, JC Castella, S Sieng, R Kong, F Tivet, J Demenois
Insights from Organic Rice Farming in Cambodia, 0
Article title: Leaf carbon and water status control stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis in trees.
Y Salmon, A Lintunen, A Dayet, T Chan, R Dewar, T Vesala, T Hölttä
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