Susana Enríquez
Susana Enríquez
Unidad Académica de Sistemas Arrecifales (ICMyL) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cmarl.unam.mx
Patterns in decomposition rates among photosynthetic organisms: the importance of detritus C: N: P content
S Enríquez, CM Duarte, K Sand-Jensen
Oecologia 94, 457-471, 1993
Impact of light limitation on seagrasses
PJ Ralph, MJ Durako, S Enriquez, CJ Collier, MA Doblin
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 350 (1-2), 176-193, 2007
Multiple scattering on coral skeletons enhances light absorption by symbiotic algae
S Enríquez, ER Méndez, RI ‐Prieto
Limnology and oceanography 50 (4), 1025-1032, 2005
Nitrogen fixation by symbiotic cyanobacteria provides a source of nitrogen for the scleractinian coral Montastraea cavernosa
MP Lesser, LI Falcón, A Rodríguez-Román, S Enríquez, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 346, 143-152, 2007
Reconstruction of seagrass dynamics: age determinations and associated tools for the seagrass ecologist
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 107, 195-209, 1994
Growth patterns of Western Mediterranean seagrasses: species-specific responses to seasonal forcing
N Marba, J Cebrian, S Enriquez, CM Duarte
Marine Ecology Progress Series 133, 203-215, 1996
Depth-acclimation of photosynthesis, morphology and demography of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea
B Olesen, S Enríquez, CM Duarte, K Sand-Jensen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 236, 89-97, 2002
Reserve design for uncertain responses of coral reefs to climate change
PJ Mumby, IA Elliott, CM Eakin, W Skirving, CB Paris, HJ Edwards, ...
Ecology letters 14 (2), 132-140, 2011
The capacity of seagrasses to survive increased turbidity and siltation: the significance of growth form and light use
JE Vermaat, NSR Agawin, MD Fortes, J Uri, CM Duarte, N Marba, ...
Ambio 26 (8), 499-504, 1997
Response of holosymbiont pigments from the scleractinian coral Montipora monasteriata to short‐term heat stress
S Dove, JC Ortiz, S Enríquez, M Fine, P Fisher, R Iglesias-Prieto, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (2), 1149-1158, 2006
Scaling maximum growth rates across photosynthetic organisms
SL Nielsen, S Enriquez, CM Duarte, K Sand-Jensen
Functional Ecology, 167-175, 1996
Form-function analysis of the effect of canopy morphology on leaf self-shading in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum
S Enríquez, NI Pantoja-Reyes
Oecologia 145, 234-242, 2005
Magnitude and fate of the production of four co-occurring Western Mediterranean seagrass species
J Cebrián, CM Duarte, N Marbà, S Enríquez
Marine Ecology Progress Series 155, 29-44, 1997
Variations in the photosynthetic performance along the leaves of the tropical seagrass Thalassia testudinum
S Enríquez, M Merino, R Iglesias-Prieto
Marine Biology 140, 891-900, 2002
Light harvesting among photosynthetic organisms
S Agusti, S Enriquez, H Frost-Christensen, K Sand-Jensen, CM Duarte
Functional Ecology, 273-279, 1994
The use of the fluorescence signal in studies of seagrasses and macroalgae
S Enríquez, MA Borowitzka
Chlorophyll a fluorescence in aquatic sciences: methods and applications …, 2010
Broad-scale comparison of photosynthetic rates across phototrophic organisms
S Enríquez, CM Duarte, K Sand-Jensen, SL Nielsen
Oecologia 108, 197-206, 1996
Epiphyte accrual on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile leaves: implications for light absorption
J Cebrian, S Enriquez, M Fortes, N Agawin, JE Vermaat, CM Duarte
De Gruyter 42 (2), 123-128, 1999
Key functional role of the optical properties of coral skeletons in coral ecology and evolution
S Enríquez, ER Méndez, O Hoegh-Guldberg, R Iglesias-Prieto
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1853), 20161667, 2017
Coralline algal physiology is more adversely affected by elevated temperature than reduced pH
RM Vásquez-Elizondo, S Enríquez
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 19030, 2016
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