Shangchuan Yang
Three-dimensional reinforced slopes: Evaluation of required reinforcement strength and embedment length using limit analysis
Y Gao, S Yang, F Zhang, B Leshchinsky
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (2), 133-142, 2016
Influence of failure mechanism on seismic bearing capacity factors for shallow foundations near slopes
S Yang, B Leshchinsky, K Cui, F Zhang, Y Gao
Géotechnique 71 (7), 594-607, 2021
Unified approach toward evaluating bearing capacity of shallow foundations near slopes
S Yang, B Leshchinsky, K Cui, F Zhang, Y Gao
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (12), 04019110, 2019
3D effects of turning corner on stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures
F Zhang, Y Gao, D Leshchinsky, S Yang, G Dai
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 46 (4), 367-376, 2018
Required unfactored geosynthetic strength of three-dimensional reinforced soil structures comprised of cohesive backfills
Y Chen, Y Gao, S Yang, F Zhang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 46 (6), 860-868, 2018
Three-dimensional slope stability analysis of convex turning corners
F Zhang, D Leshchinsky, Y Gao, S Yang
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 144 (6), 06018003, 2018
Corner reinforced slopes: required strength and length of reinforcement based on internal stability
F Zhang, D Leshchinsky, Y Gao, S Yang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 47 (3), 408-416, 2019
Required strength of geosynthetic in reinforced soil structures supporting spread footings in three dimensions
S Yang, B Leshchinsky, F Zhang, Y Gao
Computers and Geotechnics 78, 72-87, 2016
Evaluating reinforcement loading within surcharged segmental block reinforced soil walls using a limit state framework
Y Xie, B Leshchinsky, S Yang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 44 (6), 832-844, 2016
Experimental investigation on the accumulated strain of coarse-grained soil reinforced by geogrid under high-cycle cyclic loading
K Cui, D Zhang, Q Li, S Yang, H Zhang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (1), 233-244, 2023
Three-dimensional internal stability analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures considering seismic loading
S Yang, Y Gao, K Cui, F Zhang, D Wu
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 130, 105979, 2020
Evaluation of oblique pullout resistance of reinforcements in soil wall subjected to seismic loads
Y Gao, S Yang, Y Wu, D Li, F Zhang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (5), 515-524, 2014
Seismic effects on reinforcement load and lateral deformation of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls
F Zhang, Y Zhu, Y Chen, S Yang
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 15, 1001-1015, 2021
Internal stability analysis of reinforced convex highway embankments considering seismic loading
S Yang, Y Gao, B Leshchinsky, K Cui, F Zhang
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 48 (3), 221-229, 2020
Probabilistic analysis of crown settlement in high-speed railway tunnel constructed by sequential excavation method considering soil spatial variability
H Zhang, F Luo, S Yang, Y Wu
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 140, 105342, 2023
Scale effects on the ultimate bearing capacity of rectangular footings placed on slopes
S Yang, W Ci, B Leshchinsky, K Cui, F Zhang
Computers and Geotechnics 137, 104254, 2021
Probabilistic analysis of tunnel convergence in spatially variable soil based on Gaussian process regression
H Zhang, Y Wu, S Yang
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 131, 107840, 2024
DEM simulations of particle dissolution effects on the passive earth pressure of retaining walls
K Cui, W Ci, S Yang
Engineering Geology 342, 107742, 2024
Dimension-Reduction Spectral Representation of Soil Spatial Variability and Its Application in the Efficient Reliability Analysis of Seismic Response in Tunnels
Y Wu, J Wang, J Cheng, S Yang
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 248, 110175, 2024
Performance Analysis of Shored Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with Wrapped Facing Using Numerical Simulations
S Yang, S Song, F Zhang, Y Gao
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 150 (6), 04024045, 2024
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