Matthew Parno
Matthew Parno
Solea Energy
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Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States
EY Cramer, EL Ray, VK Lopez, J Bracher, A Brennen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (15), e2113561119, 2022
Transport map accelerated markov chain monte carlo
MD Parno, YM Marzouk
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (2), 645-682, 2018
Sampling via measure transport: An introduction
Y Marzouk, T Moselhy, M Parno, A Spantini
Handbook of uncertainty quantification 1 (2), 2016
The third Sandia Fracture Challenge: predictions of ductile fracture in additively manufactured metal
SLB Kramer, A Jones, A Mostafa, B Ravaji, T Tancogne-Dejean, CC Roth, ...
International Journal of Fracture 218, 5-61, 2019
An introduction to sampling via measure transport
Y Marzouk, T Moselhy, M Parno, A Spantini
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05023, 2016
Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the US
EY Cramer, EL Ray, VK Lopez, J Bracher, A Brennen, ...
MedRxiv, 2021.02. 03.21250974, 2021
Applicability of surrogates to improve efficiency of particle swarm optimization for simulation-based problems
MD Parno, T Hemker, KR Fowler
Engineering optimization 44 (5), 521-535, 2012
A multiscale strategy for Bayesian inference using transport maps
M Parno, T Moselhy, Y Marzouk
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 4 (1), 1160-1190, 2016
A decision making framework with MODFLOW-FMP2 via optimization: Determining trade-offs in crop selection
KR Fowler, EW Jenkins, C Ostrove, JC Chrispell, MW Farthing, M Parno
Environmental Modelling & Software 69, 280-291, 2015
A probabilistic optimal sensor design approach for structural health monitoring using risk-weighted f-divergence
Y Yang, M Chadha, Z Hu, MA Vega, MD Parno, MD Todd
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 161, 107920, 2021
Transport maps for accelerated Bayesian computation
MD Parno
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015
MUQ: The MIT uncertainty quantification library
M Parno, A Davis, L Seelinger
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (68), 3076, 2021
hIPPYlib-MUQ: A Bayesian inference software framework for integration of data with complex predictive models under uncertainty
KT Kim, U Villa, M Parno, Y Marzouk, O Ghattas, N Petra
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 49 (2), 1-31, 2023
Bonded discrete element simulations of sea ice with non‐local failure: Applications to Nares Strait
B West, D O’Connor, M Parno, M Krackow, C Polashenski
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 14 (6), e2021MS002614, 2022
High dimensional inference for the structural health monitoring of lock gates
M Parno, D O'Connor, M Smith
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.05529, 2018
Accounting for model form uncertainty in Bayesian calibration of linear dynamic systems
MK Ramancha, JP Conte, MD Parno
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 171, 108871, 2022
Derivative-free optimization via evolutionary algorithms guiding local search
JD Griffin, KR Fowler, GA Gray, T Hemker, MD Parno
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Tech. Rep. SAND2010-3023J, 2010
Bayesian calibration of multi-level model with unobservable distributed response and application to miter gates
C Jiang, MA Vega, MK Ramancha, MD Todd, JP Conte, M Parno, Z Hu
Mechanical systems and signal processing 170, 108852, 2022
ParticLS: object-oriented software for discrete element methods and peridynamics
AD Davis, BA West, NJ Frisch, DT O’Connor, MD Parno
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-13, 2022
Framework for particle swarm optimization with surrogate functions
MD Parno, KR Fowler, T Hemker
Darmstadt Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany, 2009
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