Darren J. Pilcher
Darren J. Pilcher
Research Physical Scientist, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
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Natural variability and anthropogenic trends in the ocean carbon sink
GA McKinley, AR Fay, NS Lovenduski, DJ Pilcher
Annual review of marine science 9 (1), 125-150, 2017
Timescales for detection of trends in the ocean carbon sink
GA McKinley, DJ Pilcher, AR Fay, K Lindsay, MC Long, NS Lovenduski
Nature 530 (7591), 469-472, 2016
The potential for CO₂-induced acidification in freshwater: a Great Lakes case study
JC Phillips, GA McKinley, V Bennington, HA Bootsma, DJ Pilcher, ...
Oceanography 28 (2), 136-145, 2015
Phytoplankton size impact on export flux in the global ocean
CB Mouw, A Barnett, GA McKinley, L Gloege, D Pilcher
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (10), 1542-1562, 2016
Global ocean particulate organic carbon flux merged with satellite parameters
CB Mouw, A Barnett, GA McKinley, L Gloege, D Pilcher
Earth System Science Data 8 (2), 531-541, 2016
Modeled effect of coastal biogeochemical processes, climate variability, and ocean acidification on aragonite saturation state in the Bering Sea
DJ Pilcher, DM Naiman, JN Cross, AJ Hermann, SA Siedlecki, GA Gibson, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 508, 2019
Simulated Impact of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement on Atmospheric CO2 Removal in the Bering Sea
H Wang, DJ Pilcher, KA Kearney, JN Cross, OM Shugart, MD Eisaman, ...
Earth's Future 11 (1), e2022EF002816, 2023
Coastal processes modify projections of some climate-driven stressors in the California Current System
SA Siedlecki, D Pilcher, EM Howard, C Deutsch, P MacCready, EL Norton, ...
Biogeosciences Discussions 2020, 1-32, 2020
Integrated assessment of ocean acidification risks to pteropods in the northern high latitudes: Regional comparison of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity
N Bednaršek, KA Naish, RA Feely, C Hauri, K Kimoto, AJ Hermann, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 671497, 2021
The importance of freshwater to spatial variability of aragonite saturation state in the Gulf of Alaska
SA Siedlecki, DJ Pilcher, AJ Hermann, K Coyle, J Mathis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (11), 8482-8502, 2017
Inland waters
DE Butman, RG Striegl, SM Stackpoole, P Del Giorgio, Y Prairie, D Pilcher, ...
Demystifying models: answers to ten common questions that ecologists have about Earth system models
RG Asch, DJ Pilcher, S Rivero-Calle, J M Holding
Physical and biogeochemical mechanisms of internal carbon cycling in L ake M ichigan
DJ Pilcher, GA McKinley, HA Bootsma, V Bennington
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (3), 2112-2128, 2015
Seasonality and life history complexity determine vulnerability of Dungeness crab to multiple climate stressors
HM Berger, SA Siedlecki, CM Matassa, SR Alin, IC Kaplan, EE Hodgson, ...
AGU Advances 2 (4), e2021AV000456, 2021
Dynamically downscaled projections of ocean acidification for the Bering Sea
DJ Pilcher, JN Cross, AJ Hermann, KA Kearney, W Cheng, JT Mathis
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 198, 105055, 2022
Coupled modes of projected regional change in the Bering Sea from a dynamically downscaling model under CMIP6 forcing
AJ Hermann, K Kearney, W Cheng, D Pilcher, K Aydin, KK Holsman, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 194, 104974, 2021
Assessing the abilities of CMIP5 models to represent the seasonal cycle of surface ocean pCO2
DJ Pilcher, SR Brody, L Johnson, B Bronselaer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (7), 4625-4637, 2015
Evaluating the impact of climate and demographic variation on future prospects for fish stocks: an application for northern rock sole in Alaska
AE Punt, MG Dalton, W Cheng, AJ Hermann, KK Holsman, TP Hurst, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 189, 104951, 2021
Modeled sensitivity of Lake Michigan productivity and zooplankton to changing nutrient concentrations and quagga mussels
DJ Pilcher, GA McKinley, J Kralj, HA Bootsma, ED Reavie
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (8), 2017-2032, 2017
Biological sensitivities to high‐resolution climate change projections in the California current marine ecosystem
JM Sunday, E Howard, S Siedlecki, DJ Pilcher, C Deutsch, P MacCready, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (19), 5726-5740, 2022
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