Hoyeop Lee
Hoyeop Lee
KT Corporation
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na kt.com - Domača stran
MeLU: Meta-learned user preference estimator for cold-start recommendation
H Lee, J Im, S Jang, H Cho, S Chung
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2019
A deep learning model for robust wafer fault monitoring with sensor measurement noise
H Lee, Y Kim, CO Kim
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 30 (1), 23-31, 2016
Threat evaluation of enemy air fighters via neural network-based Markov chain modeling
H Lee, BJ Choi, CO Kim, JS Kim, JE Kim
Knowledge-Based Systems 116, 49-57, 2017
Self-supervised multimodal opinion summarization
J Im, M Kim, H Lee, H Cho, S Chung
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.13135, 2021
A variational autoencoder for a semiconductor fault detection model robust to process drift due to incomplete maintenance
Y Kim, H Lee, CO Kim
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 34 (2), 529-540, 2023
Pricing and Timing Strategies for New Product Using Agent-Based Simulation of Behavioural Consumers.
K Lee, H Lee, CO Kim
J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 17 (2), http://jasss.soc …, 2014
Yield prediction through the event sequence analysis of the die attach process
H Lee, CO Kim, HH Ko, MK Kim
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 28 (4), 563-570, 2015
Coherence analysis of research and education using topic modeling
H Lee, J Kwak, M Song, CO Kim
Scientometrics 102, 1119-1137, 2015
Cities: Contextual inference of tail-item embeddings for sequential recommendation
S Jang, H Lee, H Cho, S Chung
2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 202-211, 2020
Agent simulation-based ordinal optimisation for new product design
H Lee, J Lim, K Lee, CO Kim
Journal of the Operational Research Society 70 (3), 502-515, 2019
iGraphMix: Input Graph Mixup Method for Node Classification
J Jeong, H Lee, HG Yoon, B Lee, J Heo, G Kim, KJ Seon
The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024
Method and apparatus for discovering equipment causing product defect in manufacturing process
SH Tong, JM KO, CO Kim, C Doowon, LEE Hoyeop
US Patent App. 14/674,383, 2015
토픽모델링과 인과관계 분석을 활용한 법률 관련 기사와 법 개정간의 관계분석
이호엽, 곽주은, 최두원, 김창욱
대한산업공학회 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 1605-1620, 2014
딥러닝을 이용한 저널 추천 시스템
이호엽, 윤휘건, 김창욱
대한산업공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 1247-1267, 2015
군 공항에서의 대량항적 착륙순서 최적화
김건형, 이호엽, 김창욱
대한산업공학회 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 2035-2040, 2014
Freudian and Newtonian Recurrent Cell for Sequential Recommendation
H Lee, J Im, CO Kim, S Chung
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07645, 2021
공정 센서 드리프트 가속화와 불규칙적인 보수 주기가 존재하는 반도체 공정의 FDC 를 위한 결합 인공 신경망 모델
김영주, 이호엽, 김창욱
대한산업공학회 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 3210-3227, 2019
PREFER: PREdiction Model for Financial Entity Relation
H Lee, J Park, H Kim, H Cho, G Kim
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Data Science for Macro …, 2018
2 단계 군중 행동 모형을 이용한 복잡한 건물의 재난 대피 시뮬레이션
장재연, 이호엽, 김창욱
대한산업공학회 춘계공동학술대회 논문집, 1529-1545, 2016
딥러닝 기반의 공정 이상 탐지
이호엽, 김영주, 김창욱
한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집, 5306-5323, 2016
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