Arbel Harpak
Variable prediction accuracy of polygenic scores within an ancestry group
H Mostafavi*, A Harpak*, I Agarwal, D Conley, JK Pritchard, M Przeworski
eLife 9, e48376, 2020
Reduced signal for polygenic adaptation of height in UK Biobank
JJ Berg*, A Harpak*, N Sinnott-Armstrong*, AM Joergensen, H Mostafavi, ...
eLife 8, e39725, 2019
Between-region genetic divergence reflects the mode and tempo of tumor evolution
R Sun, Z Hu, A Sottoriva, TA Graham, A Harpak, Z Ma, JM Fischer, ...
Nature genetics 49 (7), 1015-1024, 2017
Thousands of novel translated open reading frames in humans inferred by ribosome footprint profiling
A Raj, SH Wang, H Shim, A Harpak, YI Li, B Engelmann, M Stephens, ...
eLife 5, e13328, 2016
Mutation rate variation is a primary determinant of the distribution of allele frequencies in humans
A Harpak*, A Bhaskar*, JK Pritchard
PLoS Genetics 12 (12), 2016
Evidence for weak selective constraint on human gene expression
EC Glassberg*, Z Gao*, A Harpak, X Lan, JK Pritchard
Genetics 211 (2), 757-772, 2019
Amplification is the primary mode of gene-by-sex interaction in complex human traits
C Zhu, MJ Ming, JM Cole, M Kirkpatrick, MD Edge, A Harpak
Cell Genomics 3 (5), 2023
The evolution of group differences in changing environments
A Harpak, M Przeworski
PLoS Biology 19 (1), e3001072, 2021
Frequent nonallelic gene conversion on the human lineage and its effect on the divergence of gene duplicates
A Harpak*, X Lan*, Z Gao, JK Pritchard
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (48), 12779-12784, 2017
Concerted evolution reveals co-adapted amino acid substitutions in Na+ K+-ATPase of frogs that prey on toxic toads
S Mohammadi*, L Yang*, A Harpak*, S Herrera-Álvarez, ...
Current Biology, 2021
Genetic adaptation in New York city rats
A Harpak, N Garud, NA Rosenberg, DA Petrov, M Combs, PS Pennings, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 13 (1), evaa247, 2021
Calibrated prediction intervals for polygenic scores across diverse contexts
K Hou, Z Xu, Y Ding, R Mandla, Z Shi, K Boulier, A Harpak, B Pasaniuc
Nature genetics 56 (7), 1386-1396, 2024
1,000 ancient genomes uncover 10,000 years of natural selection in Europe
MK Le, OS Smith, A Akbari, A Harpak, D Reich, VM Narasimhan
bioRxiv, 2022
Clonal interference can cause wavelet-like oscillations of multilocus linkage disequilibrium
V Garcia, EC Glassberg, A Harpak, MW Feldman
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15 (140), 20170921, 2018
Discovering non-additive heritability using additive GWAS summary statistics
SP Smith, G Darnell, D Udwin, J Stamp, A Harpak, S Ramachandran, ...
Elife 13, e90459, 2024
Mutability of demographic noise in microbial range expansions
QQ Yu, M Gralka, MC Duvernoy, M Sousa, A Harpak, O Hallatschek
The ISME journal 15 (9), 2643-2654, 2021
Tradeoffs in modeling context dependency in complex trait genetics
E Weine, SP Smith, RK Knowlton, A Harpak
bioRxiv, 2023.06. 21.545998, 2024
GWAS deems parents guilty by association
A Harpak, MD Edge
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (27), e2109433118, 2021
Neutral Null Models For Diversity In Serial Transfer Evolution Experiments
A Harpak, G Sella
Evolution 68 (9), 2727-2736, 2014
The battle of the sexes in humans is highly polygenic
JM Cole, CB Scott, MM Johnson, PR Golightly, J Carlson, MJ Ming, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (39), e2412315121, 2024
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