Francisco J. Maldonado-Hódar
Francisco J. Maldonado-Hódar
Catedrático de Química Inorgánica. Universidad de Granada
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ugr.es
Carbon aerogels for catalysis applications: An overview
C Moreno-Castilla, FJ Maldonado-Hódar
Carbon 43 (3), 455-465, 2005
Azo-dye Orange II degradation by heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction using carbon-Fe catalysts
JH Ramirez, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, AF Pérez-Cadenas, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (3-4), 312-323, 2007
Catalytic graphitization of carbon aerogels by transition metals
FJ Maldonado-Hódar, C Moreno-Castilla, J Rivera-Utrilla, Y Hanzawa, ...
Langmuir 16 (9), 4367-4373, 2000
Optimization of conditions for the preparation of activated carbons from olive-waste cakes
A Baçaoui, A Yaacoubi, A Dahbi, C Bennouna, RPT Luu, ...
Carbon 39 (3), 425-432, 2001
Effects of non-oxidant and oxidant acid treatments on the surface properties of an activated carbon with very low ash content
C Moreno-Castilla, F Carrasco-Marin, FJ Maldonado-Hodar, ...
Carbon 36 (1-2), 145-151, 1998
Activated carbons from KOH and H3PO4-activation of olive residues and its application as supercapacitor electrodes
A Elmouwahidi, E Bailón-García, AF Pérez-Cadenas, ...
Electrochimica Acta 229, 219-228, 2017
Synthesis and textural characteristics of organic aerogels, transition-metal-containing organic aerogels and their carbonized derivatives
FJ Maldonado-Hódar, MA Ferro-Garcıa, J Rivera-Utrilla, ...
Carbon 37 (8), 1199-1205, 1999
Fenton-like degradation of azo-dye Orange II catalyzed by transition metals on carbon aerogels
F Duarte, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, AF Pérez-Cadenas, LM Madeira
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 85 (3-4), 139-147, 2009
On the nature of surface acid sites of chlorinated activated carbons
AF Pérez-Cadenas, FJ Maldonado-Hodar, C Moreno-Castilla
Carbon 41 (3), 473-478, 2003
Catalytic combustion of toluene on platinum-containing monolithic carbon aerogels
FJ Maldonado-Hódar, C Moreno-Castilla, AF Pérez-Cadenas
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 54 (4), 217-224, 2004
Group 6 metal oxide-carbon aerogels. Their synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in the skeletal isomerization of 1-butene
C Moreno-Castilla, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, J Rivera-Utrilla, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 183 (2), 345-356, 1999
Treatment of textile effluents by the heterogeneous Fenton process in a continuous packed-bed reactor using Fe/activated carbon as catalyst
F Duarte, V Morais, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, LM Madeira
Chemical Engineering Journal 232, 34-41, 2013
Influence of the characteristics of carbon materials on their behaviour as heterogeneous Fenton catalysts for the elimination of the azo dye Orange II from aqueous solutions
F Duarte, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, LM Madeira
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 103 (1-2), 109-115, 2011
Physicochemical surface properties of Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu-doped monolithic organic aerogels
C Moreno-Castilla, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, AF Pérez-Cadenas
Langmuir 19 (14), 5650-5655, 2003
Carbon–TiO 2 composites as high-performance supercapacitor electrodes: synergistic effect between carbon and metal oxide phases
A Elmouwahidi, E Bailón-García, J Castelo-Quibén, AF Pérez-Cadenas, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2), 633-644, 2018
Treatment of azo dye-containing wastewater by a Fenton-like process in a continuous packed-bed reactor filled with activated carbon
I Mesquita, LC Matos, F Duarte, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, A Mendes, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 237, 30-37, 2012
Experimental design to optimize preparation of activated carbons for use in water treatment
A Bacaoui, A Dahbi, A Yaacoubi, C Bennouna, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, ...
Environmental science & technology 36 (17), 3844-3849, 2002
New carbon xerogel-TiO2 composites with high performance as visible-light photocatalysts for dye mineralization
E Bailón-García, A Elmouwahidi, MA Álvarez, F Carrasco-Marín, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 201, 29-40, 2017
Coupling of acrylic dyeing wastewater treatment by heterogeneous Fenton oxidation in a continuous stirred tank reactor with biological degradation in a sequential batch reactor
BM Esteves, CSD Rodrigues, RAR Boaventura, FJ Maldonado-Hódar, ...
Journal of environmental management 166, 193-203, 2016
Reversible toluene adsorption on monolithic carbon aerogels
FJ Maldonado-Hódar, C Moreno-Castilla, F Carrasco-Marín, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 148 (3), 548-552, 2007
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