Renato A. Morais
Renato A. Morais
Paris Sciences and Letters University
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Demographic dynamics of the smallest marine vertebrates fuel coral reef ecosystem functioning
SJ Brandl, L Tornabene, CHR Goatley, JM Casey, RA Morais, IM Côté, ...
Science 364 (6446), 1189-1192, 2019
Pelagic subsidies underpin fish productivity on a degraded coral reef
RA Morais, DR Bellwood
Current Biology 29 (9), 1521-1527. e6, 2019
Spatial patterns of fish standing biomass across Brazilian reefs
RA Morais, CEL Ferreira, SR Floeter
Journal of Fish Biology 91 (6), 1642–1667, 2017
Between-habitat variation of benthic cover, reef fish assemblage and feeding pressure on the benthos at the only atoll in South Atlantic: Rocas Atoll, NE Brazil
GO Longo, RA Morais, CDL Martins, TC Mendes, AW Aued, DV Cândido, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0127176, 2015
The role of the reef flat in coral reef trophodynamics: Past, present, and future
DR Bellwood, SB Tebbett, O Bellwood, M Mihalitsis, RA Morais, RP Streit, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (8), 4108-4119, 2018
Severe coral loss shifts energetic dynamics on a coral reef
RA Morais, M Depczynski, C Fulton, M Marnane, P Narvaez, V Huertas, ...
Functional Ecology 34 (7), 1507-1518, 2020
Global drivers of reef fish growth
RA Morais, DR Bellwood
Fish and Fisheries 19 (5), 874-889, 2018
Extreme environmental conditions reduce coral reef fish biodiversity and productivity
SJ Brandl, JL Johansen, JM Casey, L Tornabene, RA Morais, JA Burt
Nature communications 11 (3832), 1-14, 2020
Trophic innovations fuel reef fish diversification
AC Siqueira, RA Morais, DR Bellwood, PF Cowman
Nature communications 11 (2669), 1-11, 2020
Brazilian tropical fishes in their southern limit of distribution: checklist of Santa Catarina’s rocky reef ichthyofauna, remarks and new records
A Anderson, A Carvalho-Filho, R Morais, L Nunes, J Quimbayo, S Floeter
Check List 11 (4), 1-25, 2015
Principles for estimating fish productivity on coral reefs
RA Morais, DR Bellwood
Coral Reefs 39, 1221–1231, 2020
Human exploitation shapes productivity‐biomass relationships on coral reefs
RA Morais, SR Connolly, DR Bellwood
Global Change Biology 26 (3), 1295-1305, 2020
Shifting baselines among traditional fishers in São Tomé and Príncipe islands, Gulf of Guinea
HA Maia, RA Morais, AC Siqueira, N Hanazaki, SR Floeter, MG Bender
Ocean & Coastal Management 154, 133-142, 2018
Planktivores as trophic drivers of global coral reef fish diversity patterns
AC Siqueira, RA Morais, DR Bellwood, PF Cowman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (9), e2019404118, 2021
Dangerous demographics in post-bleach corals reveal boom-bust versus protracted declines
J Morais, RA Morais, SB Tebbett, MS Pratchett, DR Bellwood
Scientific Reports 11, 18787, 2021
On the fate of dead coral colonies
J Morais, R Morais, SB Tebbett, DR Bellwood
Functional Ecology 36 (12), 3148-3160, 2022
Spatial subsidies drive sweet spots of tropical marine biomass production
RA Morais, AC Siqueira, PF Smallhorn-West, DR Bellwood
PLoS Biology 19 (11), e3001435, 2021
Collapsing ecosystem functions on an inshore coral reef
SB Tebbett, RA Morais, CHR Goatley, DR Bellwood
Journal of Environmental Management 289, 112471, 2021
Direct Evidence for Gradual Ontogenetic Dietary Shift in the Green Turtle, Chelonia mydas
RA Morais, RG Santos, GO Longo, EET Yoshida, GD Stahelin, PA Horta
Chelonian Conservation and Biology 13 (2), 260-266, 2014
Spatial patterns and drivers of fish and benthic reef communities at São Tomé Island, Tropical Eastern Atlantic
HA Maia, RA Morais, JP Quimbayo, MS Dias, CLS Sampaio, PA Horta, ...
Marine Ecology 39 (6), e12520, 2019
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