Matt Cohen
Do geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape functions?
MJ Cohen, IF Creed, L Alexander, NB Basu, AJK Calhoun, C Craft, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 1978-1986, 2016
The metabolic regimes of flowing waters
ES Bernhardt, JB Heffernan, NB Grimm, EH Stanley, JW Harvey, M Arroita, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 63 (S1), S99-S118, 2018
Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Status and challenges for research, engineering and management
J Thorslund, J Jarsjo, F Jaramillo, JW Jawitz, S Manzoni, NB Basu, ...
Ecological Engineering 108, 489-497, 2017
Sensors in the stream: the high-frequency wave of the present
SJ Michael Rode, Andrew J Wade, Matthew J Cohen, Robert T Hensley, Michael J ...
Environmental Science and Technology 50 (19), 10297-10307, 2016
Estimating the environmental costs of soil erosion at multiple scales in Kenya using emergy synthesis
MJ Cohen, MT Brown, KD Shepherd
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 114 (2-4), 249-269, 2006
Geographically isolated wetlands are important biogeochemical reactors on the landscape
JM Marton, IF Creed, DB Lewis, CR Lane, NB Basu, MJ Cohen, CB Craft
Bioscience 65 (4), 408-418, 2015
Direct and indirect coupling of primary production and diel nitrate dynamics in a subtropical spring‐fed river
JB Heffernan, MJ Cohen
Limnology and oceanography 55 (2), 677-688, 2010
Empirical reformulation of the universal soil loss equation for erosion risk assessment in a tropical watershed
MJ Cohen, KD Shepherd, MG Walsh
Geoderma 124 (3-4), 235-252, 2005
Enhancing protection for vulnerable waters
IF Creed, CR Lane, JN Serran, LC Alexander, NB Basu, AJK Calhoun, ...
Nature geoscience 10 (11), 809-815, 2017
Influence of diel biogeochemical cycles on carbonate equilibrium in a karst river
V De Montety, JB Martin, MJ Cohen, C Foster, MJ Kurz
Chemical Geology 283 (1-2), 31-43, 2011
Floristic quality indices for biotic assessment of depressional marsh condition in Florida
MJ Cohen, S Carstenn, CR Lane
Ecological Applications 14 (3), 784-794, 2004
Visible‐near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for rapid, nondestructive assessment of wetland soil quality
MJ Cohen, JP Prenger, WF DeBusk
Journal of environmental quality 34 (4), 1422-1434, 2005
Geographically isolated wetlands are part of the hydrological landscape
MC Rains, SG Leibowitz, MJ Cohen, IF Creed, HE Golden, JW Jawitz, ...
Hydrological Processes 30 (1), 153-160, 2016
Realizing ecosystem services: wetland hydrologic function along a gradient of ecosystem condition
DL McLaughlin, MJ Cohen
Ecological Applications 23 (7), 1619-1631, 2013
A significant nexus: Geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape hydrology
DL McLaughlin, DA Kaplan, MJ Cohen
Water Resources Research 50 (9), 7153-7166, 2014
Light and flow regimes regulate the metabolism of rivers
ES Bernhardt, P Savoy, MJ Vlah, AP Appling, LE Koenig, RO Hall Jr, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (8), e2121976119, 2022
Creation of a global emergy database for standardized national emergy synthesis
S Sweeney, MJ Cohen, D King, MT Brown
Emergy synthesis 4, 483-497, 2007
Global carbon dioxide efflux from rivers enhanced by high nocturnal emissions
L Gómez-Gener, G Rocher-Ros, T Battin, MJ Cohen, HJ Dalmagro, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (5), 289-294, 2021
Geographically isolated wetlands: rethinking a misnomer
DM Mushet, AJK Calhoun, LC Alexander, MJ Cohen, ES DeKeyser, ...
Wetlands 35, 423-431, 2015
Diel phosphorus variation and the stoichiometry of ecosystem metabolism in a large spring‐fed river
MJ Cohen, MJ Kurz, JB Heffernan, JB Martin, RL Douglass, CR Foster, ...
Ecological Monographs 83 (2), 155-176, 2013
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