Brent Pease
An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: How many, how long and when?
R Kays, BS Arbogast, M Baker‐Whatton, C Beirne, HM Boone, M Bowler, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (6), 700-713, 2020
Resolving misaligned spatial data with integrated species distribution models
K Pacifici, BJ Reich, DAW Miller, BS Pease
Ecology 100 (6), e02709, 2019
Single-Camera Trap Survey Designs Miss Detections: Impacts on Estimates of Occupancy and Community Metrics
BS Pease, CK Nielsen, EJ Holzmueller
PLoS ONE 11 (11), e0166689, 2016
Candid critters: challenges and solutions in a large-scale citizen science camera trap project
M Lasky, A Parsons, S Schuttler, A Mash, L Larson, B Norton, B Pease, ...
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 6 (1), 2021
What drives spatially varying ecological relationships in a wide‐ranging species?
BS Pease, K Pacifici, R Kays, B Reich
Diversity and Distributions 28 (9), 1752-1768, 2022
Exploring spatial nonstationarity for four mammal species reveals regional variation in environmental relationships
BS Pease, K Pacifici, R Kays
Ecosphere 13 (8), e4166, 2022
Integrating harvest and camera trap data in species distribution models
NA Gilbert, BS Pease, CM Anhalt-Depies, JDJ Clare, JL Stenglein, ...
Biological Conservation 258, 109147, 2021
Increases in Midwestern cougars despite harvest in a source population
MA Larue, CK Nielsen, BS Pease
The Journal of Wildlife Management 83 (6), 1306-1313, 2019
Evaluation of the spatial biases and sample size of a statewide citizen science project
R Kays, M Lasky, AW Parsons, B Pease, K Pacifici
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 6 (1), 2021
An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: How many, how long and when? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (6): 700–713
R Kays, BS Arbogast, M Baker-Whatton, C Beirne, HM Boone, M Bowler, ...
Survey design optimization for monitoring wildlife communities in areas managed for federally endangered species
BS Pease, K Pacifici, JA Collazo
Animal Conservation 24 (5), 756-769, 2021
An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: how many, how long and when? Methods Ecol Evol 11 (6): 700–713
R Kays, BS Arbogast, M Baker-Whatton, C Beirne, HM Boone, M Bowler, ...
SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A third coordinated national camera trap survey of the U nited S tates
H Shamon, R Maor, MV Cove, R Kays, J Adley, PD Alexander, DN Allen, ...
Ecology 105 (6), e4318, 2024
Influence of forest structure and composition on summer habitat use of wildlife in an upland hardwood forest
BS Pease, EJ Holzmueller, CK Nielsen
Diversity 11 (9), 160, 2019
Ecological scales of effect vary across space and time
BS Pease
Ecography 2024 (8), e07163, 2024
Efficacy of autonomous recording units to evaluate wild turkey gobbling chronology in North Carolina, USA
CD Kreh, BS Pease, K Pacifici
Wildlife Society Bulletin, e1433, 2023
Measuring the value of public hunting land using a hedonic approach
WR Casola, MN Peterson, Y Wu, EO Sills, BS Pease, K Pacifici
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 27 (4), 343-359, 2022
Candid critters: Challenges and solutions in a large-scale citizen science camera trap project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 6: 4, 1–17
M Lasky, A Parsons, S Schuttler, A Mash, L Larson, B Norton, B Pease, ...
Environmental relationships, decadal changes, and regional decline of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) and Chuck-will’s-widow (Antrostomus carolinensis)
EM Metz, BS Pease
Avian Conservation and Ecology 19 (1), 2024
The Steller's Sea‐Eagle in North America: An economic assessment of birdwatchers travelling to see a vagrant raptor
BS Pease, NA Gilbert, WR Casola, K Akamani
People and Nature 5 (6), 1937-1947, 2023
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