Ryan Schmidt
Ryan Schmidt
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uwm.edu
Ancient Rome: A genetic crossroads of Europe and the Mediterranean
ML Antonio, Z Gao, HM Moots, M Lucci, F Candilio, S Sawyer, ...
Science 366 (6466), 708-714, 2019
Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs
A Bergström, L Frantz, R Schmidt, E Ersmark, O Lebrasseur, ...
Science 370 (6516), 557-564, 2020
American Indian identity and blood quantum in the 21st century: A critical review
RW Schmidt
Journal of Anthropology 2011 (1), 549521, 2011
A genetic history of the pre-contact Caribbean
DM Fernandes, KA Sirak, H Ringbauer, J Sedig, N Rohland, O Cheronet, ...
Nature 590 (7844), 103-110, 2021
Ancient Jomon genome sequence analysis sheds light on migration patterns of early East Asian populations
T Gakuhari, S Nakagome, S Rasmussen, ME Allentoft, T Sato, ...
Communications biology 3 (1), 437, 2020
Genome-wide DNA from degraded petrous bones and the assessment of sex and probable geographic origins of forensic cases
D Gaudio, DM Fernandes, R Schmidt, O Cheronet, D Mazzarelli, M Mattia, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8226, 2019
Geometric morphometrics
AH McKeown, RW Schmidt
Research methods in human skeletal biology, 325-359, 2013
Violence at Verteba Cave, Ukraine: new insights into the Late Neolithic intergroup conflict
GD Madden, JK Karsten, SH Ledogar, R Schmidt, MP Sokhatsky
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 28 (1), 44-53, 2018
An alternative view of the peopling of South America: Lagoa Santa in craniometric perspective
N Seguchi, A McKEOWN, R Schmidt, H Umeda, CL Brace
Anthropological Science 119 (1), 21-38, 2011
Craniofacial variation of the Xiongnu Iron Age nomads of Mongolia reveals their possible origins and population history
RW Schmidt, N Seguchi
Quaternary International 405, 110-121, 2016
New AMS dates for Verteba Cave and stable isotope evidence of human diet in the Holocene forest-steppe, Ukraine
SH Ledogar, JK Karsten, GD Madden, R Schmidt, MP Sokohatskyi, ...
Radiocarbon 61 (1), 141-158, 2019
Chinese immigrant population history in North America based on craniometric diversity
RW Schmidt, N Seguchi, JL Thompson
Anthropological Science 119 (1), 9-19, 2011
Integrating buccal and occlusal dental microwear with isotope analyses for a complete paleodietary reconstruction of Holocene populations from Hungary
R Hernando, B Gamarra, A McCall, O Cheronet, D Fernandes, K Sirak, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7034, 2021
Genomes from Verteba cave suggest diversity within the Trypillians in Ukraine
P Gelabert, RW Schmidt, DM Fernandes, JK Karsten, TK Harper, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 7242, 2022
The forgotten Chinese cemetery of Carlin Nevada: a bioanthropological assessment
RW Schmidt
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2006
Jomon Culture and the peopling of the Japanese archipelago: advancements in the fields of morphometrics and ancient DNA
RW Schmidt, N Seguchi
Japanese Journal of Archaeology 2 (1), 34-59, 2014
Unraveling the population history of the Xiongnu to explain molecular and archaeological models of prehistoric Mongolia
R Schmidt
The University of Montana, 2012
Perimortem injury in a Chinese American cemetery: two cases of occupational hazard or interpersonal violence
RW Schmidt
The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology 3 (2), 10.5580, 2009
Analysis of ancient human mitochondrial DNA from Verteba Cave, Ukraine: insights into the Late Neolithic-Chalcolithic Cucuteni–Tripolye culture
RW Schmidt, K Wakabayashi, D Waku, T Gakuhari, K Koganebuchi, ...
Anthropological Science 128 (1), 1-10, 2020
A multidisciplinary study of Iberian Chalcolithic dogs
L Blaschikoff, A Daza-Perea, J Requicha, C Detry, R Rasteiro, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42, 103338, 2022
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