Ximeng Liu (刘西蒙, Simon)
Ximeng Liu (刘西蒙, Simon)
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na fzu.edu.cn - Domača stran
Toward efficient and privacy-preserving computing in big data era
R Lu, H Zhu, X Liu, JK Liu, J Shao
IEEE Network 28 (4), 46-50, 2014
Privacy-preserving smart IoT-based healthcare big data storage and self-adaptive access control system
Y Yang, X Zheng, W Guo, X Liu, V Chang
Information Sciences 479, 567-592, 2019
Privacy and security issues in deep learning: A survey
X Liu, L Xie, Y Wang, J Zou, J Xiong, Z Ying, AV Vasilakos
IEEE Access 9, 4566-4593, 2020
Privacy-preserving patient-centric clinical decision support system on naive Bayesian classification
X Liu, R Lu, J Ma, L Chen, B Qin
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 20 (2), 655-668, 2015
An efficient privacy-preserving outsourced calculation toolkit with multiple keys
X Liu, RH Deng, KKR Choo, J Weng
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (11), 2401-2414, 2016
Blockchain based efficient and robust fair payment for outsourcing services in cloud computing
Y Zhang, RH Deng, X Liu, D Zheng
Information Sciences 462, 262-277, 2018
A personalized privacy protection framework for mobile crowdsensing in IIoT
J Xiong, R Ma, L Chen, Y Tian, Q Li, X Liu, Z Yao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (6), 4231-4241, 2019
Efficient and privacy-preserving outsourced calculation of rational numbers
X Liu, KKR Choo, RH Deng, R Lu, J Weng
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 15 (1), 27-39, 2016
A lightweight privacy-preserving CNN feature extraction framework for mobile sensing
K Huang, X Liu, S Fu, D Guo, M Xu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (3), 1441-1455, 2019
An efficient decentralized key management mechanism for VANET with blockchain
Z Ma, J Zhang, Y Guo, Y Liu, X Liu, W He
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 5836-5849, 2020
Privacy-preserving attribute-based keyword search in shared multi-owner setting
Y Miao, X Liu, KKR Choo, RH Deng, J Li, H Li, J Ma
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (3), 1080-1094, 2019
Lightweight fine-grained search over encrypted data in fog computing
Y Miao, J Ma, X Liu, J Weng, H Li, H Li
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 12 (5), 772-785, 2018
Multi-dimensional feature fusion and stacking ensemble mechanism for network intrusion detection
H Zhang, JL Li, XM Liu, C Dong
Future Generation Computer Systems 122, 130-143, 2021
Attribute-based keyword search over hierarchical data in cloud computing
Y Miao, J Ma, X Liu, X Li, Q Jiang, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (6), 985-998, 2017
Practical attribute-based multi-keyword search scheme in mobile crowdsourcing
Y Miao, J Ma, X Liu, X Li, Z Liu, H Li
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 3008-3018, 2017
Lightweight break-glass access control system for healthcare Internet-of-Things
Y Yang, X Liu, RH Deng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (8), 3610-3617, 2017
FLEAM: A federated learning empowered architecture to mitigate DDoS in industrial IoT
J Li, L Lyu, X Liu, X Zhang, X Lyu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (6), 4059-4068, 2021
Outsourcing service fair payment based on blockchain and its applications in cloud computing
Y Zhang, RH Deng, X Liu, D Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 (4), 1152-1166, 2018
Secure, efficient and revocable multi-authority access control system in cloud storage
Q Li, J Ma, R Li, X Liu, J Xiong, D Chen
Computers & Security 59, 45-59, 2016
Public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search revisited: Security model and constructions
B Qin, Y Chen, Q Huang, X Liu, D Zheng
Information Sciences 516, 515-528, 2020
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