Brenda Chung da Rocha
Brenda Chung da Rocha
Assistant Professor, University of São Paulo
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na usp.br
Timing of anatexis and melt crystallization in the Socorro–Guaxupé Nappe, SE Brazil: insights from trace element composition of zircon, monazite and garnet coupled to UPb …
BC Rocha, R Moraes, A Möller, CR Cioffi, MJ Jercinovic
Lithos 277, 337-355, 2017
Paleoproterozoic continental crust generation events at 2.15 and 2.08 Ga in the basement of the southern Brasília Orogen, SE Brazil
CR Cioffi, MCC Neto, A Moeller, BC Rocha
Precambrian Research 275, 176-196, 2016
Rapid eruption of silicic magmas from the Paraná magmatic province (Brazil) did not trigger the Valanginian event
BC Rocha, JHFL Davies, VA Janasi, U Schaltegger, AJR Nardy, ...
Geology 48 (12), 1174-1178, 2020
Magmatic inheritance vs. UHT metamorphism: Zircon petrochronology of granulites and petrogenesis of charnockitic leucosomes of the Socorro–Guaxupé nappe, SE Brazil
BC Rocha, R Moraes, A Möller, CR Cioffi
Lithos 314, 16-39, 2018
Tectonic significance of the Meso-to Neoarchean complexes in the basement of the southern Brasília Orogen
CR Cioffi, MCC Neto, A Möller, BC Rocha
Precambrian Research 287, 91-107, 2016
Titanite petrochronology of the southern Brasília Orogen basement: Effects of retrograde net-transfer reactions on titanite trace element compositions
CR Cioffi, MCC Neto, A Möller, BC Rocha
Lithos 344, 393-408, 2019
Geochemistry of the eocretacic basalt magmatism in the Piraju-Ourinhos region, SE Brazil, and implications to the stratigraphy od the Serra Geral Formation
VA Janasi, FA Negri, TJ Montanheiro, VA Freitas, BC Rocha, PM Reis
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 37 (1), 148-162, 2007
Geochemical signatures of metasedimentary rocks of high-pressure granulite facies and their relation with partial melting: Carvalhos Klippe, Southern Brasília Belt, Brazil
CR Cioffi, MCC Neto, BC da Rocha, R Moraes, R Henrique-Pinto
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 40, 63-76, 2012
O orógeno Brasília meridional
MC Campos Neto, A Westin, G Frugis, RB Lima, CA Salazar Mora, ...
Anais, 515, 2014
Idade, duração e condições PT do metamorfismo de temperatura ultra-alta, anatexia e cristalização de fundido na nappe Socorro-Guaxupé
BC Rocha
Universidade de São Paulo, 2016
The passive margin of the southern São Francisco paleocontinent, metamorphic record and implications for the assembly of West Gondwana: Evidence from the Lima Duarte Nappe …
BC Rocha, MCC Neto, CR Cioffi, A Westin, A Alves, CA Salazar-Mora, ...
Precambrian Research 404, 107338, 2024
Evolução metamórfica dos metassedimentos da Nappe Lima Duarte e rochas associadas do Complexo Mantiqueira, sul da Faixa Brasília (MG)
BC da Rocha
Detrital zircon U–Pb-Hf isotopes-based reconstruction of the depositional history of (ultra) high-temperature metamorphic rocks from the Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe (southern …
PLNC Rossi-Vieira, M Tedeschi, BC Rocha, CC Lana, V Barrote, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 128, 104469, 2023
New U-Pb baddeleyite ID-TIMS ages from the intrusive high-Ti-Sr rocks of the Southern Paraná LIP, Brazil: Implications for correlations with environmental disturbances during …
BC Rocha, SP Gaynor, VA Janasi, JHFL Davies, LM Florisbal, BL Waichel, ...
Results in Geochemistry 10, 100023, 2023
Reply to comment on “The passive margin of the southern São Francisco paleocontinent, metamorphic record and implications for the assembly of West Gondwana: Evidence from the …
BC Rocha, MCC Neto, CR Cioffi, A Westin, A Alves, CA Salazar-Mora, ...
Precambrian Research 411, 107523, 2024
The mafic intrusive magmatism from the Paraná LIP constrained by new U-Pb baddeleyite ID-TIMS ages
BC Rocha, SP Gaynor, VA Janasi, JHF Davies, L Florisbal, B Waichel, ...
Assinaturas metamórficas contrastantes: granulitos máficos e paragnaisses da nappe Lima Duarte, Borda do Sul do Cratón do São Francisco
BC Rocha, MC Campos Neto, DP Bendoraitis
A Faixa Araçuai e suas conexões 30 anos após Almeida 1977: Programação e …, 2007
Atividades do Prodigeo-Programa de Divulgação das Geociências do Instituto de Geociências da Universidade de São Paulo
BT Freitas, CR Cioffi, VT Meira, BC Rocha, D Mendes, IS Costa, ...
Recursos minerais e desenvolvimento socioeconômico, 2004
Geoquímica do magmatismo basáltico eocretácico na região de Piraju-Ourinhos, SE do Brasil, e implicações para a estratigrafia da Formação Serra Geral
V de Assis Janasi, F de Assis Negri, TJ Montanheiro, VA de Freitas, ...
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 37 (1), 148-162, 0
Silicic volcanism in the Paraná Magmatic Province: progress on stratigraphy, crystallization conditions and origin
V de Assis Janasi, A Alves, BC Rocha, LA Polo, LF Guimarães
2024 Goldschmidt Conference, 2024
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