Nikolay Kazanskiy
Nikolay Kazanskiy
Image Processing Systems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ssau.ru
Методы компьютерной оптики
АВ Волков, ДЛ Головашкин, ЛЛ Досколович, НЛ Казанский, ВВ Котляр, ...
Под редакцией В.А. Сойфера. Издание второе, исправленное. М.: Физматлит, 2003
Methods for Computer Design of Diffractive Optical Elements
VA Soifer, LL Doskolovich, DL Golovashkin, NL Kazanskiy, SI Kharitonov, ...
A Wiley Interscience Publication. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, ISBN 0 …, 2002
Plasmonic sensors based on Metal-insulator-metal waveguides for refractive index sensing applications: A brief review
NL Kazanskiy, SN Khonina, MA Butt
Physica E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 117, 113798, 2020
Дифракционная компьютерная оптика
ВА Сойфер, ДЛ Головашкин, ЛЛ Досколович, НЛ Казанский, ...
под редакцией В. А. Сойфера, М.: Физматлит, 2007
Bessel beam: Significance and applications—A progressive review
SN Khonina, NL Kazanskiy, SV Karpeev, MA Butt
Micromachines 11 (11), 997, 2020
Recent advances in photonic crystal optical devices: A review
MA Butt, SN Khonina, NL Kazanskiy
Optics & laser technology 142, 107265, 2021
Computer Design of Diffractive Optics
VA Soifer, DL Golovashkin, LL Doskolovich, NL Kazanskiy, VV Kotlyar, ...
Cambridge Inter. Scien. Pub. Ltd. & Woodhead Publishing Ltd., ISBN 978-1 …, 2013
Design of high-efficient freeform LED lens for illumination of elongated rectangular regions
MA Moiseev, LL Doskolovich, NL Kazanskiy
Optics Express 19 (103), A225-A233, 2011
Computer generated diffractive multi-focal lens
MA Golub, LL Doskolovich, NL Kazanskiy, SI Kharitonov, VA Soifer
Journal of Modern Optics 39 (6), 1245-1251, 1992
Formation of images using multilevel diffractive lens
NL Kazanskii, SN Khonina, RV Skidanov, AA Morozov, SI Kharitonov, ...
Computer Optics 38 (3), 425-434, 2014
Computational experiment with plane optical elements
MA Golub, NL Kazanskii, IN Sisakian, VA Soifer
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing, 70-82, 1988
Research and education center of diffractive optics
NL Kazanskiy
Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2011 (OTT …, 2012
A method for the diffractive microrelief formation using the layered photoresist growth
AV Volkov, NL Kazanskiy, OJ Moiseyev, VA Soifer
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 29 (4), 281-288, 1998
Vortex phase transmission function as a factor to reduce the focal spot of high-aperture focusing system
SN Khonina, NL Kazanskiy, SG Volotovsky
Journal of Modern Optics 58 (9), 748-760, 2011
Anisotropic etching of SiO2 in high-voltage gas-discharge plasmas
NL Kazanskii, VA Kolpakov, AI Kolpakov
Russian Microelectronics 33 (3), 169-182, 2004
Computer-aided design of diffractive optical elements
NL Kazanskiy, VV Kotlyar, VA Soifer
Optical Engineering 33 (10), 3156-3166, 1994
Synthesis of nanoporous structures in metallic materials under laser action
NL Kazanskiy, SP Murzin, YL Osetrov, VI Tregub
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 49 (11), 1264-1267, 2011
A method of designing diffractive optical elements focusing into plane areas
LL Doskolovich, NL Kazansky, SI Kharitonov, VA Soifer
Journal of Modern Optics 43 (7), 1423-1433, 1996
The lensacon: nonparaxial effects
SN Khonina, NL Kazanskiĭ, AV Ustinov, SG Volotovskiĭ
Journal of Optical Technology 78 (11), 724-729, 2011
Software on diffractive optics and computer-generated holograms
LL Doskolovich, MA Golub, NL Kazanskiy, AG Khramov, VS Pavelyev, ...
5th International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics …, 1995
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