Tariq Aslam
A non-oscillatory Eulerian approach to interfaces in multimaterial flows (the ghost fluid method)
RP Fedkiw, T Aslam, B Merriman, S Osher
Journal of computational physics 152 (2), 457-492, 1999
Mapped weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes: achieving optimal order near critical points
AK Henrick, TD Aslam, JM Powers
Journal of Computational Physics 207 (2), 542-567, 2005
A partial differential equation approach to multidimensional extrapolation
TD Aslam
Journal of Computational Physics 193 (1), 349-355, 2004
The ghost fluid method for deflagration and detonation discontinuities
RP Fedkiw, T Aslam, S Xu
Journal of Computational Physics 154 (2), 393-427, 1999
Level set methods applied to modeling detonation shock dynamics
TD Aslam, JB Bdzil, DS Stewart
Journal of Computational Physics 126 (2), 390-409, 1996
Simulations of pulsating one-dimensional detonations with true fifth order accuracy
AK Henrick, TD Aslam, JM Powers
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (1), 311-329, 2006
High resolution numerical simulation of ideal and non-ideal compressible reacting flows with embedded internal boundaries
S Xu, T Aslam, DS Stewart
Taylor & Francis Group 1 (1), 113-142, 1997
A stabilized Runge–Kutta–Legendre method for explicit super-time-stepping of parabolic and mixed equations
CD Meyer, DS Balsara, TD Aslam
Journal of Computational Physics 257, 594-626, 2014
On sub-linear convergence for linearly degenerate waves in capturing schemes
JW Banks, T Aslam, WJ Rider
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (14), 6985-7002, 2008
A second-order accurate Super TimeStepping formulation for anisotropic thermal conduction
CD Meyer, DS Balsara, TD Aslam
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 422 (3), 2102-2115, 2012
Numerical resolution of pulsating detonation waves
P Hwang, RP Fedkiw, B Merriman, TD Aslam, AR Karagozian, SJ Osher
Combustion Theory and Modellling 4 (3), 217-240, 2000
Front curvature rate stick measurements and detonation shock dynamics calibration for PBX 9502 over a wide temperature range
LG Hill, JB Bdzil, TD Aslam
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 1998
Shock temperature dependent rate law for plastic bonded explosives
TD Aslam
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (14), 2018
A level-set algorithm for tracking discontinuities in hyperbolic conservation laws: I. Scalar equations
TD Aslam
Journal of Computational Physics 167 (2), 413-438, 2001
Evolution of carbon clusters in the detonation products of the triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB)-based explosive PBX 9502
EB Watkins, KA Velizhanin, DM Dattelbaum, RL Gustavsen, TD Aslam, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (41), 23129-23140, 2017
Extensions to DSD theory: Analysis of PBX 9502 rate stick data
TD Aslam, JB Bdzil, LG Hill
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 1998
Numerical and theoretical investigations on detonation-inert confinement interactions
TD Aslam, JB Bdzil
The twelfth symposium (international) on detonation, 483-488, 2002
DSD front models: nonideal explosive detonation in ANFO
JB Bdzil, TD Aslam, RA Catanach, LG Hill, M Short
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2002
The reactants equation of state for the tri-amino-tri-nitro-benzene (TATB) based explosive PBX 9502
TD Aslam
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (3), 2017
The effect of diffusion on the dynamics of unsteady detonations
CM Romick, TD Aslam, JM Powers
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 699, 453-464, 2012
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