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A Dryopithecus skeleton and the origins of great-ape locomotion S Moyà-Solà, M Köhler Nature 379 (6561), 156-159, 1996 | 265 | 1996 |
Morphological affinities of the Australopithecus afarensis hand on the basis of manual proportions and relative thumb length DM Alba, S Moyà-Solà, M Köhler Journal of Human Evolution 44 (2), 225-254, 2003 | 250 | 2003 |
Seasonal bone growth and physiology in endotherms shed light on dinosaur physiology M Köhler, N Marín-Moratalla, X Jordana, R Aanes Nature 487 (7407), 358-361, 2012 | 239 | 2012 |
Ape-like or hominid-like? The positional behavior of Oreopithecus bambolii reconsidered M Köhler, S Moya-Sola Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (21), 11747-11750, 1997 | 212 | 1997 |
Skeleton and habitat of recent and fossil ruminants M Kohler Munch. Geowiss. Abh 25, 1-88, 1993 | 197 | 1993 |
Physiological and life history strategies of a fossil large mammal in a resource-limited environment M Köhler, S Moyà-Solà Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (48), 20354-20358, 2009 | 179 | 2009 |
Oreopithecus was a bipedal ape after all: Evidence from the iliac cancellous architecture L Rook, L Bondioli, M Köhler, S Moyà-Solà, R Macchiarelli Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (15), 8795-8799, 1999 | 174 | 1999 |
Reduction of Brain and Sense Organs in the Fossil Insular Bovid Myotragus M Köhler, S Moyà-Solà Brain, Behavior and Evolution 63 (3), 125-140, 2004 | 164 | 2004 |
Boviden des turkischen Miozans (Kanozoikum und Braunkohlen der T urkei. za) VM KOHLER Paleontologia i evolució 21, 133-246, 1987 | 145 | 1987 |
First partial face and upper dentition of the Middle Miocene hominoid Dryopithecus fontani from Abocador de Can Mata (Vallès‐Penedès Basin, Catalonia, NE … S Moyà‐Solà, M Köhler, DM Alba, I Casanovas‐Vilar, J Galindo, ... American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2009 | 135 | 2009 |
Recent discoveries of Dryopithecus shed new light on evolution of great apes SM Solà, M Köhler Nature 365 (6446), 543-545, 1993 | 133 | 1993 |
Orang-like manual adaptations in the fossil hominoid Hispanopithecus laietanus: first steps towards great ape suspensory behaviours S Almécija, DM Alba, S Moyà-Solà, M Köhler Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1624), 2375-2384, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
New partial cranium of Dryopithecus Lartet, 1863 (Hominoidea, Primates) from the upper Miocene of Can Llobateres, Barcelona, Spain SM Solà, M Köhler Journal of Human Evolution 29 (2), 101-139, 1995 | 130 | 1995 |
Evidence of hominid-like precision grip capability in the hand of the Miocene ape Oreopithecus S Moyà-Solà, M Köhler, L Rook Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (1), 313-317, 1999 | 108 | 1999 |
A unique Middle Miocene European hominoid and the origins of the great ape and human clade S Moyà-Solà, DM Alba, S Almécija, I Casanovas-Vilar, M Köhler, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (24), 9601-9606, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
Can Llobateres: the pattern and timing of the Vallesian hominoid radiation reconsidered J Agustı, M Köhler, S Moyà-Solà, L Cabrera, M Garcés, JM Parés Journal of Human Evolution 31 (2), 143-155, 1996 | 94 | 1996 |
Response to Comment on "Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, a New Middle Miocene Great Ape from Spain" S Moyà-Solà, M Kohler, DM Alba, I Casanovas-Vilar, J Galindo Science 308 (5719), 203-203, 2005 | 82 | 2005 |
Enamel microstructure in the fossil bovid Myotragus balearicus (Majorca, Spain): implications for life-history evolution of dwarf mammals in insular ecosystems X Jordana, M Köhler Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 300 (1-4), 59-66, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
Los vertebrados fósiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, l’Anoia, Cataluña), una sucesión de localidades del Aragoniense superior (MN6 y MN7+ 8) de la cuenca … DM Alba, S Moyà-Solà, I Casanovas-Vilar, J Galindo, JM Robles, ... Estudios Geológicos 62 (1), 295-312, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |