Olaf Dimigen
Coregistration of eye movements and EEG in natural reading: analyses and review.
O Dimigen, W Sommer, A Hohlfeld, AM Jacobs, R Kliegl
Journal of experimental psychology: General 140 (4), 552, 2011
Selection of recurrence threshold for signal detection
S Schinkel, O Dimigen, N Marwan
The european physical journal special topics 164 (1), 45-53, 2008
Optimizing the ICA-based removal of ocular EEG artifacts from free viewing experiments
O Dimigen
NeuroImage 207, 116117, 2020
Human microsaccade-related visual brain responses
O Dimigen, M Valsecchi, W Sommer, R Kliegl
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (39), 12321-12331, 2009
Unfold: An integrated toolbox for overlap correction, non-linear modeling, and regression-based EEG analysis
BV Ehinger, O Dimigen
PeerJ, 2019
Trans-saccadic parafoveal preview benefits in fluent reading: A study with fixation-related brain potentials
O Dimigen, R Kliegl, W Sommer
Neuroimage 62 (1), 381-393, 2012
Regression-based analysis of combined EEG and eye-tracking data: Theory and applications
O Dimigen, BV Ehinger
Journal of vision 21 (1), 3-3, 2021
Neural correlates of word recognition: A systematic comparison of natural reading and rapid serial visual presentation
B Kornrumpf, F Niefind, W Sommer, O Dimigen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28 (9), 1374-1391, 2016
Interaction of facial expressions and familiarity: ERP evidence
N Wild-Wall, O Dimigen, W Sommer
Biological psychology 77 (2), 138-149, 2008
Stimulus onset asynchrony and the timeline of word recognition: Event-related potentials during sentence reading
M Dambacher, O Dimigen, M Braun, K Wille, AM Jacobs, R Kliegl
Neuropsychologia 50 (8), 1852-1870, 2012
Fixation-related brain potentials during semantic integration of object–scene information
MI Coco, A Nuthmann, O Dimigen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32 (4), 571-589, 2020
Eye movements and brain electric potentials during reading
R Kliegl, M Dambacher, O Dimigen, AM Jacobs, W Sommer
Psychological research 76, 145-158, 2012
Dissociating parafoveal preview benefit and parafovea‐on‐fovea effects during reading: A combined eye tracking and EEG study
F Niefind, O Dimigen
Psychophysiology 53 (12), 1784-1798, 2016
Parafoveal processing in reading Chinese sentences: Evidence from event‐related brain potentials
N Li, F Niefind, S Wang, W Sommer, O Dimigen
Psychophysiology 52 (10), 1361-1374, 2015
Microsaccade-related brain potentials signal the focus of visuospatial attention
S Meyberg, M Werkle-Bergner, W Sommer, O Dimigen
NeuroImage 104, 79-88, 2015
Emotions in cognitive conflicts are not aversive but are task specific
A Schacht, O Dimigen, W Sommer
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 10 (3), 349-356, 2010
Confidence bounds of recurrence-based complexity measures
S Schinkel, N Marwan, O Dimigen, J Kurths
Physics Letters A 373 (26), 2245-2250, 2009
Post-saccadic face processing is modulated by pre-saccadic preview: Evidence from fixation-related potentials
A Buonocore, O Dimigen, D Melcher
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (11), 2305-2313, 2020
The peripheral preview effect with faces: Combined EEG and eye-tracking suggests multiple stages of trans-saccadic predictive and non-predictive processing
C Huber-Huber, A Buonocore, O Dimigen, C Hickey, D Melcher
NeuroImage 200, 344-362, 2019
How microsaccades relate to lateralized ERP components of spatial attention: A co-registration study
S Meyberg, W Sommer, O Dimigen
Neuropsychologia 99, 64-80, 2017
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