Cyanobacterial bioactive metabolites—A review of their chemistry and biology IS Huang, PV Zimba Harmful algae 86, 139-209, 2019 | 201 | 2019 |
Succession and toxicity of Microcystis and Anabaena (Dolichospermum) blooms are controlled by nutrient-dependent allelopathic interactions MA Chia, JG Jankowiak, BJ Kramer, JA Goleski, IS Huang, PV Zimba, ... Harmful Algae 74, 67-77, 2018 | 151 | 2018 |
Euglenophycin is produced in at least six species of euglenoid algae and six of seven strains of Euglena sanguinea PV Zimba, IS Huang, D Gutierrez, W Shin, MS Bennett, RE Triemer Harmful algae 63, 79-84, 2017 | 43 | 2017 |
Identification of a new‐to‐science cyanobacterium, Toxifilum mysidocida gen. nov. & sp. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Cyanophyceae) PV Zimba, IS Huang, JE Foley, EW Linton Journal of phycology 53 (1), 188-197, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
The Influence of Bacteria on the Growth, Lipid Production, and Extracellular Metabolite Accumulation by Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae) AM Chorazyczewski, IS Huang, H Abdulla, X Mayali, PV Zimba Journal of Phycology 57 (3), 931-940, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
A new boring toxin producer – Perforafilum tunnelli gen. & sp. nov. (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) isolated from Laguna Madre, Texas, USA PV Zimba, S Shalygin, IS Huang, M Momčilović, H Abdulla Phycologia 60 (1), 10-24, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Hydrogen peroxide, an ecofriendly remediation method for controlling Microcystis aeruginosa toxic blooms IS Huang, PV Zimba Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (5), 3133-3142, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Preliminary Assessment of Microbial Community Structure of Wind-Tidal Flats in the Laguna Madre, Texas, USA I Huang, LJ Pinnell, JW Turner, H Abdulla, L Boyd, EW Linton, PV Zimba Biology 9 (8), 183, 2020 | 19 | 2020 |
Euglena International Network (EIN): Driving euglenoid biotechnology for the benefit of a challenged world TGE Ebenezer, RS Low, EC O'Neill, I Huang, A DeSimone, SC Farrow, ... Biology Open 11 (11), bio059561, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Odorella benthonica gen. & sp. nov. (Pleurocapsales, Cyanobacteria): an odor and prolific toxin producer isolated from a California aqueduct S Shalygin, IS Huang, EH Allen, JAM Burkholder, PV Zimba Journal of phycology, 2019 | 13 | 2019 |
Diversity of bioactive compound content across 71 genera of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial cyanobacteria IS Huang, N Pietrasiak, CJ Gobler, JR Johansen, JAM Burkholder, ... Harmful Algae 109, 102116, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Iningainema tapete sp. nov.(Scytonemataceae, Cyanobacteria) from greenhouses in central Florida (USA) produces two types of nodularin with biosynthetic potential for … DE Berthold, FW Lefler, IS Huang, H Abdulla, PV Zimba, ... Harmful Algae 101, 101969, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) and ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus spilosoma) mortality attributed to inland brevetoxin transport at Padre Island National Seashore, Texas … DE Buttke, A Walker, IS Huang, L Flewelling, J Lankton, AE Ballmann, ... Journal of wildlife diseases 54 (1), 142-146, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Co-occurrence of marine and freshwater phycotoxins in oysters, and analysis of possible predictors for management SKD Pease, TA Egerton, KS Reece, MP Sanderson, MD Onofrio, ... Toxicon: X, 100166, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Discrimination of weeds from sugarcane in Louisiana using hyperspectral leaf reflectance data and pigment analysis RM Johnson, AJ Orgeron, DJ Spaunhorst, IS Huang, PV Zimba Weed Technology 37 (2), 123-131, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Draft genome sequences of 42 environmental Vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from the northern Gulf of Mexico MM Mullis, IS Huang, GM Planas-Costas, R Pray, GW Buck, A Nassiri, ... Microbiology resource announcements 8 (28), 10.1128/mra. 00200-19, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Novel diversity within Roseofilum (Desertifilaceae, Cyanobacteria) from marine benthic mats with description of four new species Y Wang, DE Berthold, J Hu, FW Lefler, IS Huang, HD Laughinghouse IV Journal of Phycology 59 (6), 1147-1165, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Effects of climate change on metabolite accumulation in freshwater and marine cyanobacteria IS Huang, X Hu, H Abdulla, PV Zimba Climate Change Ecology 2, 100018, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Rhodomonas PE545 fluorescence is increased by glycerol C Karnjanapak, IS Huang, P Jaroensuk, S Bunyajetponga, PV Zimba, ... ScienceAsia 47, 469-477, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Role of serotonin in the lack of sensitization caused by prolonged food deprivation in Aplysia X Deng, IS Huang, K Williams, ML Wainwright, PV Zimba, R Mozzachiodi Behavioural Brain Research 458, 114736, 2024 | | 2024 |