Jose Moya
Reconstructing recent landslide activity in relation to rainfall in the Llobregat River basin, Eastern Pyrenees, Spain
J Corominas, J Moya
Geomorphology 30 (1-2), 79-93, 1999
A review of assessing landslide frequency for hazard zoning purposes
J Corominas, J Moya
Engineering geology 102 (3-4), 193-213, 2008
Prediction of ground displacements and velocities from groundwater level changes at the Vallcebre landslide (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
J Corominas, J Moya, A Ledesma, A Lloret, JA Gili
Landslides 2, 83-96, 2005
Classic and new dating methods for assessing the temporal occurrence of mass movements
A Lang, J Moya, J Corominas, L Schrott, R Dikau
Geomorphology 30 (1-2), 33-52, 1999
Quantitative assessment of the residual risk in a rockfall protected area
J Corominas, R Copons, J Moya, JM Vilaplana, J Altimir, J Amigó
Landslides 2, 343-357, 2005
Measurement of landslide displacements using a wire extensometer
J Corominas, J Moya, A Lloret, JA Gili, MG Angeli, A Pasuto, S Silvano
Engineering Geology 55 (3), 149-166, 2000
Canelles landslide: modelling rapid drawdown and fast potential sliding
NM Pinyol, EE Alonso, J Corominas, J Moya
Landslides 9, 33-51, 2012
Results and experiences gathered at the Rebaixader debris-flow monitoring site, Central Pyrenees, Spain
M Hürlimann, C Abancó, J Moya, I Vilajosana
Landslides 11, 939-953, 2014
Contribution of dendrochronology to the determination of magnitude–frequency relationships for landslides
J Corominas, J Moya
Geomorphology 124 (3-4), 137-149, 2010
Critical rainfall conditions for the initiation of torrential flows. Results from the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees)
C Abancó, M Hürlimann, J Moya, M Berenguer
Journal of hydrology 541, 218-229, 2016
Tree-ring based assessment of rockfall frequency on talus slopes at Solà d'Andorra, Eastern Pyrenees
J Moya, J Corominas, JP Arcas, C Baeza
Geomorphology 118 (3-4), 393-408, 2010
Transformation of ground vibration signal for debris-flow monitoring and detection in alarm systems
C Abancó, M Hürlimann, B Fritschi, C Graf, J Moya
Sensors 12 (4), 4870-4891, 2012
Validation and evaluation of two multivariate statistical models for predictive shallow landslide susceptibility mapping of the Eastern Pyrenees (Spain)
C Baeza, N Lantada, J Moya
Environmental Earth Sciences 61, 507-523, 2010
Landslide rainfall triggers in the Spanish Eastern Pyrenees
J Corominas, J Moya, M Hürlimann
Mediterranean Storms, Proceedings of the 4th Plinius Conference, 2002
Influence of sample and terrain unit on landslide susceptibility assessment at La Pobla de Lillet, Eastern Pyrenees, Spain
C Baeza, N Lantada, J Moya
Environmental Earth Sciences 60, 155-167, 2010
Analysis of the ground vibration generated by debris flows and other torrential processes at the Rebaixader monitoring site (Central Pyrenees, Spain)
C Abancó, M Hürlimann, J Moya
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (4), 929-943, 2014
Monitoring of the Vallcebre landslide, Eastern Pyrenees, Spain
J Corominas, J Moya, A Ledesma, J Rius, JA Gili, A Lloret
Slope Stability Engineering, 1239-1244, 2021
Slope orientation and vegetation effects on soil thermo-hydraulic behavior. An experimental study
R Oorthuis, J Vaunat, M Hürlimann, A Lloret, J Moya, C Puig-Polo, ...
Sustainability 13 (1), 14, 2020
Rockfalls: analysis of the block fragmentation through field experiments
JA Gili, R Ruiz-Carulla, G Matas, J Moya, A Prades, J Corominas, ...
Landslides 19 (5), 1009-1029, 2022
Monitoring of a full-scale embankment experiment regarding soil–vegetation–atmosphere interactions
R Oorthuis, M Hürlimann, A Fraccica, A Lloret, J Moya, C Puig-Polo, ...
Water 10 (6), 688, 2018
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