Multiuser detection S Verdu Cambridge university press, 1998 | 8129 | 1998 |
Channel coding rate in the finite blocklength regime Y Polyanskiy, HV Poor, S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (5), 2307-2359, 2010 | 3725 | 2010 |
Minimum probability of error for asynchronous Gaussian multiple-access channels S Verdu IEEE transactions on information theory 32 (1), 85-96, 1986 | 3252 | 1986 |
Random matrix theory and wireless communications AM Tulino, S Verdú Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory 1 (1), 1-182, 2004 | 2846 | 2004 |
Linear multiuser detectors for synchronous code-division multiple-access channels R Lupas, S Verdu IEEE transactions on Information Theory 35 (1), 123-136, 1989 | 2341 | 1989 |
Blind adaptive multiuser detection M Honig, U Madhow, S Verdu IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41 (4), 944-960, 1995 | 2058 | 1995 |
Near-far resistance of multiuser detectors in asynchronous channels R Lupas, S Verdu IEEE transactions on Communications 38 (4), 496-508, 1990 | 1512 | 1990 |
Spectral efficiency in the wideband regime S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 (6), 1319-1343, 2002 | 1468 | 2002 |
Mutual information and minimum mean-square error in Gaussian channels D Guo, S Shamai, S Verdú IEEE transactions on information theory 51 (4), 1261-1282, 2005 | 1363 | 2005 |
Spectral efficiency of CDMA with random spreading S Verdú, S Shamai IEEE Transactions on Information theory 45 (2), 622-640, 1999 | 1140 | 1999 |
Probability of error in MMSE multiuser detection HV Poor, S Verdú IEEE transactions on Information theory 43 (3), 858-871, 1997 | 1114 | 1997 |
A general formula for channel capacity S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40 (4), 1147-1157, 1994 | 879 | 1994 |
Approximation theory of output statistics TS Han, S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39 (3), 752-772, 1993 | 672 | 1993 |
On channel capacity per unit cost S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36 (5), 1019-1030, 1990 | 624 | 1990 |
Stability properties of slotted Aloha with multipacket reception capability S Ghez, S Verdu, SC Schwartz IEEE transactions on automatic control 33 (7), 640-649, 1988 | 599 | 1988 |
Optimum power allocation for parallel Gaussian channels with arbitrary input distributions A Lozano, AM Tulino, S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (7), 3033-3051, 2006 | 546 | 2006 |
Optimum multiuser asymptotic efficiency S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Communications 34 (9), 890-897, 1986 | 538 | 1986 |
Gaussian multiaccess channels with ISI: Capacity region and multiuser water-filling RS Cheng, S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39 (3), 773-785, 1993 | 517 | 1993 |
Impact of antenna correlation on the capacity of multiantenna channels AM Tulino, A Lozano, S Verdú IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51 (7), 2491-2509, 2005 | 498 | 2005 |
Computational complexity of optimum multiuser detection S Verdú Algorithmica 4 (1), 303-312, 1989 | 496 | 1989 |