Daniel R. Berger
Daniel R. Berger
Research Scientist at Harvard University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na fas.harvard.edu
Cell diversity and network dynamics in photosensitive human brain organoids
G Quadrato, T Nguyen, EZ Macosko, JL Sherwood, S Min Yang, ...
Nature 545 (7652), 48-53, 2017
Saturated reconstruction of a volume of neocortex
N Kasthuri, KJ Hayworth, DR Berger, RL Schalek, JA Conchello, ...
Cell 162 (3), 648-661, 2015
Distinct profiles of myelin distribution along single axons of pyramidal neurons in the neocortex
GS Tomassy, DR Berger, HH Chen, N Kasthuri, KJ Hayworth, A Vercelli, ...
Science 344 (6181), 319-324, 2014
Crowdsourcing the creation of image segmentation algorithms for connectomics
I Arganda-Carreras, SC Turaga, DR Berger, D Cireşan, A Giusti, ...
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 9, 152591, 2015
Connectomes across development reveal principles of brain maturation
D Witvliet, B Mulcahy, JK Mitchell, Y Meirovitch, DR Berger, Y Wu, Y Liu, ...
Nature 596 (7871), 257-261, 2021
Imaging ATUM ultrathin section libraries with WaferMapper: a multi-scale approach to EM reconstruction of neural circuits
KJ Hayworth, JL Morgan, R Schalek, DR Berger, DGC Hildebrand, ...
Frontiers in neural circuits 8, 68, 2014
The fuzzy logic of network connectivity in mouse visual thalamus
JL Morgan, DR Berger, AW Wetzel, JW Lichtman
Cell 165 (1), 192-206, 2016
A connectomic study of a petascale fragment of human cerebral cortex
A Shapson-Coe, M Januszewski, DR Berger, A Pope, Y Wu, T Blakely, ...
BioRxiv, 2021.05. 29.446289, 2021
A Bayesian model of the disambiguation of gravitoinertial force by visual cues
PR MacNeilage, MS Banks, DR Berger, HH Bülthoff
Experimental Brain Research 179, 263-290, 2007
VAST (volume annotation and segmentation tool): efficient manual and semi-automatic labeling of large 3D image stacks
DR Berger, HS Seung, JW Lichtman
Frontiers in neural circuits 12, 88, 2018
Boundary learning by optimization with topological constraints
V Jain, B Bollmann, M Richardson, DR Berger, MN Helmstaedter, ...
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
Pervasive synaptic branch removal in the mammalian neuromuscular system at birth
JC Tapia, JD Wylie, N Kasthuri, KJ Hayworth, R Schalek, DR Berger, ...
Neuron 74 (5), 816-829, 2012
Nanobody immunostaining for correlated light and electron microscopy with preservation of ultrastructure
T Fang, X Lu, D Berger, C Gmeiner, J Cho, R Schalek, H Ploegh, ...
Nature methods 15 (12), 1029-1032, 2018
A petavoxel fragment of human cerebral cortex reconstructed at nanoscale resolution
A Shapson-Coe, M Januszewski, DR Berger, A Pope, Y Wu, T Blakely, ...
Science 384 (6696), eadk4858, 2024
Connectome 2.0: Developing the next-generation ultra-high gradient strength human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso-and macro-connectome
SY Huang, T Witzel, B Keil, A Scholz, M Davids, P Dietz, E Rummert, ...
NeuroImage 243, 118530, 2021
Individual oligodendrocytes show bias for inhibitory axons in the neocortex
M Zonouzi, D Berger, V Jokhi, A Kedaigle, J Lichtman, P Arlotta
Cell Reports 27 (10), 2799-2808. e3, 2019
Simulating believable forward accelerations on a stewart motion platform
DR Berger, J Schulte-Pelkum, HH Bülthoff
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 7 (1), 1-27, 2010
Development of high-throughput, high-resolution 3D reconstruction of large-volume biological tissue using automated tape collection ultramicrotomy and scanning electron microscopy
R Schalek, N Kasthuri, K Hayworth, D Berger, J Tapia, J Morgan, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 17 (S2), 966-967, 2011
The open connectome project data cluster: scalable analysis and vision for high-throughput neuroscience
R Burns, K Lillaney, DR Berger, L Grosenick, K Deisseroth, RC Reid, ...
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Scientific and …, 2013
Ultrastructural analysis of dendritic spine necks reveals a continuum of spine morphologies
N Ofer, DR Berger, N Kasthuri, JW Lichtman, R Yuste
Developmental neurobiology 81 (5), 746-757, 2021
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