Najme Mansouri
Najme Mansouri
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uk.ac.ir
Hybrid task scheduling strategy for cloud computing by modified particle swarm optimization and fuzzy theory
N Mansouri, BMH Zade, MM Javidi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 130, 597-633, 2019
Cloud computing simulators: A comprehensive review
N Mansouri, R Ghafari, BMH Zade
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 104, 102144, 2020
Task scheduling algorithms for energy optimization in cloud environment: a comprehensive review
R Ghafari, FH Kabutarkhani, N Mansouri
Cluster Computing 25 (2), 1035-1093, 2022
A dynamic replica management strategy in data grid
N Mansouri, GH Dastghaibyfard
Journal of network and computer applications 35 (4), 1297-1303, 2012
Adaptive data replication strategy in cloud computing for performance improvement
N Mansouri
Frontiers of Computer Science 10, 925-935, 2016
Combination of data replication and scheduling algorithm for improving data availability in Data Grids
N Mansouri, GH Dastghaibyfard, E Mansouri
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 36 (2), 711-722, 2013
SAEA: A security-aware and energy-aware task scheduling strategy by Parallel Squirrel Search Algorithm in cloud environment
BMH Zade, N Mansouri, MM Javidi
Expert Systems with Applications 176, 114915, 2021
A new prefetching-aware data replication to decrease access latency in cloud environment
N Mansouri, MM Javidi
Journal of Systems and Software 144, 197-215, 2018
Cost-based job scheduling strategy in cloud computing environments
N Mansouri, MM Javidi
Distributed and Parallel Databases 38 (2), 365-400, 2020
DPRS: A dynamic popularity aware replication strategy with parallel download scheme in cloud environments
MMJ Najme Mansouri, M.Kuchaki Rafsanjani
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 77, 177-196, 2017
A review of data replication based on meta-heuristics approach in cloud computing and data grid
N Mansouri, MM Javidi
Soft computing 24 (19), 14503-14530, 2020
Text mining using nonnegative matrix factorization and latent semantic analysis
A Hassani, A Iranmanesh, N Mansouri
Neural Computing and Applications 33, 13745-13766, 2021
Using data mining techniques to improve replica management in cloud environment
N Mansouri, MM Javidi, B Mohammad Hasani Zade
Soft Computing 24 (10), 7335-7360, 2020
Enhanced dynamic hierarchical replication and weighted scheduling strategy in data grid
N Mansouri, GH Dastghaibyfard
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 73 (4), 534-543, 2013
A hybrid data replication strategy with fuzzy-based deletion for heterogeneous cloud data centers
N Mansouri, MM Javidi
The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 5349-5372, 2018
A multi-objective optimized replication using fuzzy based self-defense algorithm for cloud computing
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020
Improved red fox optimizer with fuzzy theory and game theory for task scheduling in cloud environment
BMH Zade, N Mansouri
Journal of Computational Science 63, 101805, 2022
A two-stage scheduler based on New Caledonian Crow Learning Algorithm and reinforcement learning strategy for cloud environment
BMH Zade, N Mansouri, MM Javidi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 202, 103385, 2022
A threshold-based dynamic data replication and parallel job scheduling strategy to enhance data grid
N Mansouri
Cluster computing 17, 957-977, 2014
Hierarchical data replication strategy to improve performance in cloud computing
N Mansouri, MM Javidi, BMH Zade
Frontiers of Computer Science 15, 1-17, 2021
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