Marie-Hélène Mathon
Marie-Hélène Mathon
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cea.fr
A SANS investigation of the irradiation-enhanced α–α′ phases separation in 7–12 Cr martensitic steels
MH Mathon, Y De Carlan, G Geoffroy, X Averty, A Alamo, CH De Novion
Journal of nuclear materials 312 (2-3), 236-248, 2003
Assessment of ODS-14% Cr ferritic alloy for high temperature applications
A Alamo, V Lambard, X Averty, MH Mathon
Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 333-337, 2004
The effect of the addition of alloying elements on carbide precipitation and mechanical properties in 5% chromium martensitic steels
P Michaud, D Delagnes, P Lamesle, MH Mathon, C Levaillant
ACTA materialia 55 (14), 4877-4889, 2007
Experimental study and modelling of copper precipitation under electron irradiation in dilute FeCu binary alloys
MH Mathon, A Barbu, F Dunstetter, F Maury, N Lorenzelli, CH De Novion
Journal of nuclear materials 245 (2-3), 224-237, 1997
CEA developments of new ferritic ODS alloys for nuclear applications
Y De Carlan, JL Bechade, P Dubuisson, JL Seran, P Billot, A Bougault, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 386, 430-432, 2009
Influence of silicon content on the precipitation of secondary carbides and fatigue properties of a 5% Cr tempered martensitic steel
D Delagnes, P Lamesle, MH Mathon, N Mebarki, C Levaillant
Materials Science and Engineering: A 394 (1-2), 435-444, 2005
Influence of titanium on nano-cluster (Y, Ti, O) stability in ODS ferritic materials
M Ratti, D Leuvrey, MH Mathon, Y De Carlan
Journal of Nuclear Materials 386, 540-543, 2009
Structural determinants for protein adsorption/non-adsorption to silica surface
C Mathé, S Devineau, JC Aude, G Lagniel, S Chédin, V Legros, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e81346, 2013
Measurement of stored energy in Fe–48% Ni alloys strongly cold-rolled using three approaches: Neutron diffraction, Dillamore and KAM approaches
YA Betanda, AL Helbert, F Brisset, MH Mathon, T Waeckerlé, T Baudin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 614, 193-198, 2014
Multi-scale study of microstructure evolution in hot extruded nano-sized TiB2 particle reinforced aluminum composites
Z Chen, GA Sun, Y Wu, MH Mathon, A Borbely, D Chen, G Ji, ML Wang, ...
Materials & Design 116, 577-590, 2017
Influence of stored energy on twin formation during primary recrystallization
W Wang, F Brisset, AL Helbert, D Solas, I Drouelle, MH Mathon, T Baudin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 589, 112-118, 2014
Microstructure evolution in nano-reinforced ferritic steel processed by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
X Boulnat, M Perez, D Fabregue, T Douillard, MH Mathon, Y De Carlan
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 1485-1497, 2014
Microstructures and textures of a Cu–Ni–Si alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
AY Khereddine, FH Larbi, H Azzeddine, T Baudin, F Brisset, AL Helbert, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 574, 361-367, 2013
Influence of ball-milling and annealing conditions on nanocluster characteristics in oxide dispersion strengthened steels
M Laurent-Brocq, F Legendre, MH Mathon, A Mascaro, S Poissonnet, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (20), 7150-7159, 2012
Microstructural analysis of 9% Cr martensitic steels containing 0.5 at.% helium
J Henry, MH Mathon, P Jung
Journal of nuclear materials 318, 249-259, 2003
Assessment of a new fabrication route for Fe–9Cr–1W ODS cladding tubes
L Toualbi, C Cayron, P Olier, J Malaplate, M Praud, MH Mathon, D Bossu, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 428 (1-3), 47-53, 2012
Investigation of microstructure and texture evolution of a Mg/Al laminated composite elaborated by accumulative roll bonding
W Habila, H Azzeddine, B Mehdi, K Tirsatine, T Baudin, AL Helbert, ...
Materials Characterization 147, 242-252, 2019
Microstructural stability of M5TM alloy irradiated up to high neutron fluences
S Doriot, D Gilbon, JL Béchade, MH Mathon, L Legras, JP Mardon
ASTM International, 2005
Hydrogen trapping by VC precipitates and structural defects in a high strength Fe–Mn–C steel studied by small-angle neutron scattering
B Malard, B Remy, C Scott, A Deschamps, J Chêne, T Dieudonné, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 536, 110-116, 2012
Study of the thermal stability of nanoparticle distributions in an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic alloys
SY Zhong, J Ribis, V Klosek, Y De Carlan, N Lochet, V Ji, MH Mathon
Journal of nuclear materials 428 (1-3), 154-159, 2012
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