Toward automated dynamic malware analysis using CWSandbox C Willems, T Holz, F Freiling IEEE Security & Privacy 5 (2), 32-39, 2007 | 1216 | 2007 |
Automatic Analysis of Malware Behavior Using Machine Learning K Rieck, P Trinius, C Willems, T Holz Journal of Computer Security 19 (4), 639-668, 2009 | 995 | 2009 |
Learning and classification of malware behavior K Rieck, T Holz, C Willems, P Düssel, P Laskov Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA …, 2008 | 935 | 2008 |
Virtual Honeypots: From Botnet Tracking to Intrusion Detection N Provos, T Holz Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007 | 641 | 2007 |
Measurements and mitigation of peer-to-peer-based botnets: A case study on Storm Worm T Holz, M Steiner, F Dahl, E Biersack, F Freiling 1st Usenix Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET), 2008 | 627 | 2008 |
Leveraging Frequency Analysis for Deep Fake Image Recognition J Frank, T Eisenhofer, L Schönherr, A Fischer, D Kolossa, T Holz International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020 | 624 | 2020 |
Practical timing side channel attacks against kernel space ASLR R Hund, C Willems, T Holz IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 191-205, 2013 | 607 | 2013 |
Measuring and detecting fast-flux service networks T Holz, C Gorecki, K Rieck, FC Freiling Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2008 | 595* | 2008 |
Rishi: Identify Bot Contaminated Hosts by IRC Nickname Evaluation J Goebel, T Holz 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots), 2007 | 563 | 2007 |
Counterfeit object-oriented programming: On the difficulty of preventing code reuse attacks in C++ applications F Schuster, T Tendyck, C Liebchen, L Davi, AR Sadeghi, T Holz IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 745-762, 2015 | 537 | 2015 |
A practical attack to de-anonymize social network users G Wondracek, T Holz, E Kirda, C Kruegel IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 223-238, 2010 | 529 | 2010 |
The Nepenthes platform: An efficient approach to collect malware P Baecher, M Koetter, T Holz, M Dornseif, F Freiling Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID), 165-184, 2006 | 526 | 2006 |
(Un) informed Consent: Studying GDPR Consent Notices in the Field C Utz, M Degeling, S Fahl, F Schaub, T Holz ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2019 | 501 | 2019 |
Botnet tracking: Exploring a root-cause methodology to prevent distributed denial-of-service attacks F Freiling, T Holz, G Wicherski European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 319-335, 2005 | 485 | 2005 |
We value your privacy... now take some cookies: Measuring the GDPR's impact on web privacy M Degeling, C Utz, C Lentzsch, H Hosseini, F Schaub, T Holz Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2018 | 445 | 2018 |
Cross-architecture bug search in binary executables J Pewny, B Garmany, R Gawlik, C Rossow, T Holz 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 709-724, 2015 | 418 | 2015 |
Not what you've signed up for: Compromising real-world llm-integrated applications with indirect prompt injection K Greshake, S Abdelnabi, S Mishra, C Endres, T Holz, M Fritz ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security, 79-90, 2023 | 414 | 2023 |
Redqueen: Fuzzing with Input-to-State Correspondence. C Aschermann, S Schumilo, T Blazytko, R Gawlik, T Holz Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2019 | 412 | 2019 |
kAFL: Hardware-Assisted Feedback Fuzzing for OS Kernels S Schumilo, C Aschermann, R Gawlik, S Schinzel, T Holz 26th USENIX Security Symposium, 2017 | 379 | 2017 |
Return-oriented rootkits: Bypassing kernel code integrity protection mechanisms R Hund, T Holz, FC Freiling USENIX Security Symposium, 383-398, 2009 | 373 | 2009 |