Patrick Leblond
Patrick Leblond
CN-Paul M. Tellier Chair on Business and Public Policy, University of Ottawa
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uottawa.ca
Another digital divide: The rise of data realms and its implications for the WTO
SA Aaronson, P Leblond
Journal of International Economic Law 21 (2), 245-272, 2018
European integration and the crisis: practice and theory
D Ioannou, P Leblond, A Niemann
Journal of European Public Policy 22 (2), 155-176, 2015
European financial integration: finally the great leap forward?
E Grossman, P Leblond
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (2), 413-435, 2011
Is my crown better than your euro? Exchange rates and public opinion on the European single currency
S Binzer Hobolt, P Leblond
European Union Politics 10 (2), 202-225, 2009
All in: Market expectations of eurozone integrity in the sovereign debt crisis
M Chang, P Leblond
Review of International Political Economy 22 (3), 626-655, 2015
EU trade policy in the twenty-first century: change, continuity and challenges
P Leblond, C Viju-Miljusevic
Journal of European Public Policy 26 (12), 1836-1846, 2019
Economic insecurity and public support for the euro
S Hobolt, P Leblond, N Bermeo, LM Bartels
Mass politics in tough times: Opinions, votes and protest in the great …, 2014
The political Stability and Growth Pact is dead: long live the economic Stability and Growth Pact
P Leblond
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (5), 969-990, 2006
EU, US and international accounting standards: a delicate balancing act in governing global finance
P Leblond
The European Union's Foreign Economic Policies, 121-139, 2014
Closing the deal: What role for the provinces in the final stages of the CETA negotiations?
P Fafard, P Leblond
International Journal 68 (4), 553-559, 2013
Financial Regulation in Europe: From the
E Grossman, P Leblond
Constructing a Policy-Making State?: Policy Dynamics in the EU, 189, 2012
The Canada-EU comprehensive economic and trade agreement: More to it than meets the eye
P Leblond
Policy options 31 (7), 74-78, 2010
Completing the Maastricht Contract: institutional handicraft and the transition to European Monetary Union
P Leblond
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (3), 553-572, 2004
Le libre‐échange avec l'europe: Quel est l'intérêt pour le canada?
P Leblond, MA Strachinescu‐Olteanu
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 15 (1), 60-76, 2009
The fog of integration: reassessing the role of economic interests in European integration
P Leblond
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10 (1), 9-26, 2008
The other transatlantic relationship: Canada, the EU, and 21st-century challenges
J DeBardeleben, P Leblond
International Journal 66 (1), 1-7, 2011
The logic of a banking union for Europe
P Leblond
Journal of banking regulation 15 (3), 288-298, 2014
Digital Trade: is RCEP the WTO’s future
P Leblond
Twenty-first century trade agreements: Challenges for Canadian federalism
P Fafard, P Leblond
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (University of Ottawa), 2012
Modernizing NAFTA: A New Deal for the North American Economy in the Twenty-first Century
P Leblond, J Fabian
Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2017
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