Bruno Boz
Bruno Boz
Biologo ambientale - PhD, libero professionista. Presidente CIRF
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cirf.org
Integrative conservation of riparian zones
E González, MR Felipe-Lucia, B Bourgeois, B Boz, C Nilsson, G Palmer, ...
Biological conservation 211, 20-29, 2017
Linking the restoration of rivers and riparian zones/wetlands in Europe: Sharing knowledge through case studies
B Gumiero, J Mant, T Hein, J Elso, B Boz
Ecological Engineering 56, 36-50, 2013
Shallow groundwater nitrogen and denitrification in a newly afforested, subirrigated riparian buffer
B Gumiero, B Boz, P Cornelio, S Casella
Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (5), 1135-1144, 2011
Adeguamento dell’Indice dello Stato Ecologico delle Comunità Ittiche alla Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque 2000/60/CE
S Zerunian, A Goltara, I Schipani, B Boz
Biologia Ambientale 23 (2), 15-30, 2009
Habitat indices for rivers: Quantifying the impact of hydro-morphological alterations on the fish community
P Vezza, A Goltara, M Spairani, G Zolezzi, A Siviglia, M Carolli, ...
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 3: River Basins …, 2015
Vegetation, soil and hydrology management influence denitrification activity and the composition of nirK-type denitrifier communities in a newly afforested riparian buffer
B Boz, MM Rahman, M Bottegal, M Basaglia, A Squartini, B Gumiero, ...
New Biotechnology 30 (6), 675-684, 2013
The Italian Rivers
B Gumiero, B Maiolini, F Comiti, F Moroni
Rivers of Europe, 657-685, 2022
Bacterial diversity of a wooded riparian strip soil specifically designed for enhancing the denitrification process
MM Rahman, M Basaglia, E Vendramin, B Boz, F Fontana, B Gumiero, ...
Biology and fertility of soils 50, 25-35, 2014
Problemi e limiti della Direttiva Quadro sulle acque. Una proposta integrativa: FLEA (FLuvial Ecosystem Assessment)
A Nardini, G Sansoni, I Schipani, G Conte, A Goltara, B Boz, S Bizzi, ...
Biologia Ambientale 22 (2), 3-18, 2008
Nitrogen removal in an afforested riparian zone: the contribution of denitrification processes
B Boz, B Gumiero
Hydrobiologia 774, 167-182, 2016
How to stop nitrogen leaking from a Cross compliant buffer strip?
B Gumiero, B Boz
Ecological Engineering 103, 446-454, 2017
Managed aquifer recharge via infiltration ditches in short rotation afforested areas
M Mastrocicco, N Colombani, E Salemi, B Boz, B Gumiero
Ecohydrology 9 (1), 167-178, 2016
Modelling groundwater residence time in a sub‐irrigated buffer zone
M Mastrocicco, B Boz, N Colombani, GM Carrer, M Bonato, B Gumiero
Ecohydrology 7 (3), 1054-1063, 2014
The water framework directive: a soap bubble
A Nardini, G Sansoni, I Schipani, G Conte, A Goltara, B Boz, S Bizzi, ...
An integrative proposal: FLEA (Fluvial Ecosystem Assessment). Centro …, 2008
The Water Framework Directive: a soap bubble? An integrative proposal: FLEA (Fluvial Ecosystem Assessment)
A Nardini, G Sansoni, I Schipani, G Conte, A Goltara, B Boz, S Bizzi, ...
Centro Italiano per la Riqualificazione Fluviale, 2008
Il ruolo delle siepi come fasce tampone e corridoi fluviali
B Gumiero, B Boz
Alberi e Territorio 4 (3), 31, 2007
A wooded riparian strip set up for nitrogen removal can affect the water flux microbial composition
MM Rahman, M Basaglia, L Favaro, B Boz, B Gumiero, S Casella
Italian journal of agronomy 9 (1), 548, 2014
Nitrogen removal by an irrigated wooded buffer area
B Gumiero, P Cornelio, B Boz
Water Practice and Technology 6 (3), wpt2011042, 2011
Monitoring nutrients fate after digestate spreading in a short rotation buffer area
N Colombani, B Boz, B Gumiero, M Mastrocicco
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 22816-22826, 2017
Il sito sperimentale" NICOLAS
B Gumiero, B Boz, P Cornelio
Legnaro: Veneto Agricoltura, 2008
Sistem trenutno ne more izvesti postopka. Poskusite znova pozneje.
Članki 1–20